Yesterday I got a note in my box telling me that one of my new students (I have had 8-9ish kids added to my class yesterday and today) has Asperger’s and giving me very direct suggestions for how best to get along with him and help him be successful in class. It’s awesome. I wish all children had similar socialization specificities! If he says stuff in a nasty tone of voice accidentally I can tell him, “Try again” and he will rephrase dropping the attitude. I think that is fabulous. It talks about how to help him adjust to disruptions in routine. It’s a really neat document. I was cracking up as I read it, “Good lord! It’s like all of my friends!” I sent his mother an email today thanking her for the heads up and the hints about how to help him adjust. She seems pleased.
A few kids were talking about wussing out of 2A and I managed to talk them into staying. I’m glad they are staying. I think it will be a fun class. I am now several kids past my contract limits in basically all classes. w00t. heh Apparently kids are requesting to stay in my class when schedule changes happen. I feel really good about that.
The kids are already writing how much they love me on the board. I know it is generic ass-kissing, but I still like it. Of course my response in class is to make fun of them and call them a brown-noser. I do it with a big smile and a silly tone of voice… It’s going so well.
thanks for being receptive to the information from the parent of the student with Asperger’s.
My high-school-aged sister has Asperger’s, and my parents have had mixed reactions to sharing information like that with her teachers. Some teachers are hostile that they have to deal with a “not normal” kid. *sigh*
This makes me feel really good – and in fact, even made me tear up a little. I hesitated for about 30 seconds yesterday before I sent my daughter’s new core teacher an e-mail saying, “hi, nice to meet you, here’s where my kid spent the summer” … As a parent, I don’t want to be a pain. I do want to be clear with everyone that we’ve been working hard at this and she needs certain things right now – I hope her teacher rocks half as much as you do.
Aspergers!? Oh, NO!
One of these days I should figure out how to do volunteer outreach around aspergers.