Today I solicit comments, unlike my normal grudging acceptance of them.
Tell me something that makes you happy/feel good. It could be something about/including me (yay!) or you can acknowledge that your life does not center around me (boo!). Anything at all.
I spent a wonderful weekend at my girlfriends apartment. We spent time on haught St (she lives a block off Haight) and went to Japantown. We shopped, ate and did other stuff and it was an fantabulous weekend.
Also, I love the Skeksi icon.
There are lots of things that make me happy….here’s a partial list:
Good books
Nice, hot, properly brewed tea
The beach
Long hikes in the forest
Going rock climbing
My stuffed animals
Octopuses and monkeys!
Old kids’ movies that I remember from when I was little
Drawing and painting and generally artsy stuff
Nicholas, of course
I love hearing news from school.
I love hearing about what you’ve done today and how you’ve just improved the learning experience for a bunch of kids and changed their lives, just a little.
That makes me happy.
Remembering the extreme discomfort you caused me when I came and played at being your handyman for a couple of hours…makes me smile again and again
Discomfort? What? At my unadulterated adulation?
With You:
I love how excited you are to see me, or anyone, really. You have a wonderful way of greeting people that makes them feel special, no matter how long it’s been since you last saw them.
Without You:
I love to soak in a bath. I just did this for 20 minutes yesterday morning, and felt refreshed. I have discovered that down time is incredibly important to me, whether or not I use it for a soak. Ten or twenty minutes here and there are all I need.
It makes me happy (and makes me feel good) that there are teachers who care as much about teaching and about their students as you do.
It makes me deeply happy to be reminded of how much you love me. And you be able to remind you of how much I love you.
i thought everyone’s lives centered around *me*
i’m happy you let me comment
even though we don’t always agree.
laying in the sunshine
Kneading a loaf of bread, feeling the dough warm and stretchy in my hands; shaping it; baking it; my house smelling warm and yeasty; cutting a slice, the crust crisp and shattering under the knife, the interior tender and yielding; slathering it with butter; eating it.
lunch in the middle of a hike with a nice breeze
happy w/o you: lazy mornings that morph into fun but easy cooking/baking.
happy w/you: Since I don’t see you near enough, happy memories. Specifically “Turn around!” (that still makes me laugh)
Visiting friends

Seeing them create a life that is good for them
Thank you for breakfast and the awesome tea!
I’ll second‘s comment, “I love how excited you are to see me, or anyone, really. You have a wonderful way of greeting people that makes them feel special, no matter how long it’s been since you last saw them.”
You really are a very special person in that way, K/L. I always feel good when you turn on that smile and let me know that you are happy to see me.
Traveling alone, watching the sea make love to the sand, and kissing.
Of course, there are many other things as well, but these come to mind at this moment in time.