Had my first parent ever tell me they are unhappy that I told the class that I am queer. Well, sorry that you are unhappy about that. It allows dozens of other students to feel more comfortable and safer with me so I don’t think I am going back into the closet.
(I don’t exactly flaunt it, but I do state it as a simple fact when talking about complex issues and why my views are colored the way they are.)
Besides lots of other parents stopped to tell me how much their kids love my class. I’ll just pay attention to that.
Bound to happen. But particularly in CA, you’re totally doing the right thing. See you soon! *smooch*
did they say why they were unhappy about it?
Because it is “distracting.” I don’t think I one sentence explanation about why I find pejorative uses of words like “fag” and “gay” is particularly distracting. I don’t think “I’m queer” says much more about my personal life than “I’m married” does.
Agreed, being married has never stopped the young’uns from fantasizing about the hot teacher
I keep bringing this up and she keeps not appreciating it
i do however question your choice of terms. Queer in its original usage — and how its still used in the UK — has negative connotations (different and wrong, as in “the cheese that had soured tasted queer”), where gay is happy and joyful.
Fag is as bad any which way you look at it, even if its a cigarette
To say that ‘queer’ has negative connotations and suggest ‘gay’ as a replacement is uhhhhh oblivious?
Also, gay describes (usually male) exclusive homosexuality, while queer just indicates some diversion from straight (by metophoric extension from a line which can be straight, but is ‘queer’ if it is bent).
in modern American usage/slang
Yes, America. You know, where ‘gay’ is used ubiquitously to mean “bad, crappy, stupid.”
Yes, well, last I checked I live in modern America.
You’re in the room and they’re worried that mentioning you’re queer is going to be distracting? Talk about missing the forest for the trees!
:o) I like you. You can stay.
now, that’s an *obvious* ploy to get to stay.
sometimes grrls (queer and/or) are so……grrl.
:o) YAY!
Good for you!