My job takes a lot of time and energy in a thousand different ways. I have to deal with 150+ diverse personalities every day. I have to prepare material to start with and then later grade it. I have to deal with coworkers, many of whom I don’t like much. More and more kids are coming to me to dump their emotional problems. I’m glad I can help them, but it takes a lot of energy. (‘Nother kid today.) BTSA is going to be a serious pain in my ass, but I have to do it. At least my mentor doesn’t suck and I don’t have to repeat the stuff I did last year.
Having a house requires me to clean and fix stuff. I am supposed to prepare healthy food multiple times a day (yeah fucking right–we so eat out of the microwave). Noah has been doing way more than his share.
The Interloper is *not* being accepted by Puff. Which means that both cats are pissed constantly. This results in Puff hissing and not allowing affection and the Interloper is crying constantly and I am having fantasies of harming her. This isn’t good. The Interloper can’t remain in our household.
TNG Con stuff is starting to come faster and harder. I have less than 5 months until D-Day. I have a big job and people who want me to do stuff above and beyond my job. I want to cry or quit or something. I will never ever sign on for this shit again.
I’m sick of having fucking yeast infections constantly. It burns and itches. It is driving me nuts.
I’m sick of people telling me how to get pregnant. It is getting to the point where I am pretty nasty when people start lecturing me on what I “should” do to get pregnant. I don’t want to have sex anymore. Sex isn’t fun. It seems frustrating and disappointing.
I’m not in the mood to talk about how people interact and why it doesn’t work for someone or what they want to get out of their community. I feel like this problem is being laid at my feet and I don’t want to fucking hear it.
And we need to unpack from last weekend, but when? I get to go to a fucking meeting (oh wait, TWO fucking meetings) tomorrow night. Noah has declared Friday to be a coding night (he’s bloody earned it, that doesn’t mean I’m good at being patient with him doing computer stuff while I clean up after *us*). I’m supposed to go dancing, but it seems like a really bad idea considering the rest of my weekend. Saturday I have to go to a training from 9-12. Then we get to have dinner and go see a play with one of Noah’s fucking legion of ex’s. Seeing most of them is anxiety inducing and stressful for me for no good reason at all. Sunday we are hosting a tantra class and the last thing I am in the mood to do right now is be patient or spiritual or breathe. I’m going to be fussy if people cancel though because it will feel like one more thing to happen.
I just want to scream. If you decide to give me well meaning advice don’t feel surprised if you are kicked off my friends list. I don’t want to fucking hear it. This phase will pass, but I’m fucking frustrated.
No advice. No suggestions. Just a hug.
At… at least you know they’re yeast infections? It took, like, a year or two to figure out what was going on with me.
I ain’t got nothing. I’m sorry stuff is being all tricky and rude.
I’ve been getting yeast infections since I was a baby. They suck rocks. (Because sucks is a transitive verb! We covered that today.)
For the record–you are *not* one of the ex’s I feel angsty and stress-monkey about. Just so it has been said.
yay! I figured such a thing, but it is nice to have reassurance and stuff.
To go off on a total tangent, I’m watching Chronicles of Riddick, and they keep going off on how the lead female’s fighting style is part “feminine wiles”, and it is bugging me, because it has absolutely nothing to do with feminine wiles, whatever the hell they mean by that. The hell. But that’s ok, Vin Diesel just aced somebody with a teacup so it’s all good.
Man oh man. I am so very sorry things suck.
I send you major mental hugs and whatnot.
BTW… I just (like last week) helped both my housemates kick their yeasties with my super cool nonmessy solution thingie. I can’t use the regular otc stuff because I’m apparently allergic to it and so it does horrible things to me. If you ever want it I will give it to you.
I find your ideas interesting and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
I’ve already tried the garlic clove, the probiotics, and cranberry, and they mostly work. Also, fluconazole is my friend, but I admit it’s not everyone’s.
Here are a couple more that have helped me in the past:
– Immediately after each period, do a vinegar/water douche. Changes the vaginal pH in a non-yeast-friendly way, and washes away any remaining menstrual blood that could be a yeast host.
– There used to be (probably still are) little tablets called Lactaid that you can buy OTC, although you have to get them from the pharmacist because they’re refrigerated. They contain yogurt culture. At the first sign of yeast, stick one or two of ’em up your snatch.
That’s all my advice for today. I have none on getting pregnant, dealing with jerks, or, god knows, maintaining a household.
I actually do ok if I am religious about eating yoghurt. And in the past I have used yoghurt topically and that has helped more quickly than eating it does. It’s just kind of messy.
That’s why the Lactaid is nice — the benefits of yogurt but not the gooiness.
dear lord! I drink the stuff cause I”m lactose intollerent (that and the shelf life of Lactaid milk is WAY longer than normal and I just don’t go through the stuff that fast — just for cereal and coffee and such) but I had NO idea those little pills served double duty.
Me, I just live with no underwear as a way to deal with the yeast. But THAT sounds like something for me to keep around the house! Way better than all those messy over the counter things and it serves double duty!
Yup. A GYN turned me on to ’em oh, what, 35 years ago, when I first went on the pill and started getting yeast infections.
But I second the motion of whoever here advocated for the magic one-pill stuff. Like science fiction, that stuff is.
And also: every now and again, get the infection checked by a doc. If you do a lot of anti-yeast stuff, it’s easy to tip it in the other direction to vaginosis, and if that’s what it is, then taking anti-yeast stuff will make it worse.
After many yeast infections and several bouts of vaginosis, I still can’t tell the difference. I’ve seen a test kit advertised on TV but I haven’t tried it firsthand; if it’s any good, it’d be a godsend. (These days I’m at the doc often enough to simply have him check it, but when I was younger and healthier I’d have been thrilled with a test kit.)
That’s actually why I normally stick with yoghurt. If I am religious about eating it, I just don’t get them at all and then I never have to worry about weirdness.
I had to start major battles when I went on the Nuvaring. For all it’s loveliness and convenience, it is a yeast factory device… or something like that.
My remedy is somewhat the same. First you douche with water and just a few drops of tea tree oil. It’s minty soothing and it kills all the abundance of yeast up there. do this daily until there is no more itching. Normally I only have to do this once. If it’s really bad, I might have to do it twice. Don’t use a factory douche with horrible chemical things. My housemates and I have actually just bought one of those rubber enema bottles ( each have our own) and only use that one for the pussy. otherwise… as you know, worse things can happen.
Second (and you should start this during phase one), you work on replacing the bad stuff with good stuff by taking two ( more than the recommended dose) acidophiles pills a day. You can buy these anywhere they sell vitamins. After a week or two you can go down to taking one pill, but you should keep taking it as a regular daily supplement.
I have tried the… putting the pill in the cooch method which has been recommended by many. I hate it. It dried my lovely poontang out and feels yucky. It works just as good if I just take the supplement regularly.
I’ve never tried any of the above. What *is* fluconazole?
Fluconazole is the one-shot, in-ur-bloodstream-killin’-ALL-ur-fungi, oral yeast infection (and I’m told, foot fungus too) pill. I used to have a running prescription for them from my doctor, with the stern finger waggling admonishment to only use them for emergencies. Still, since I don’t get yeast as much anymore, by the time I had a noticeable yeast infection it WAS an emergency. One pill, no muss, no fuss.
I haz added u & put mah crazy remedee below.
er, above.
Hehe, it was mostly a figure of speech.
So my other remedy to add is something we developed at Burning Man: vinegar wipes, which are particularly handy if you tend to get them externally. Take a box of baby wipes, add about 1/2 cup of white vinegar and let them soak in. Use on affected area. Surprisingly helpful!
I would be willing to try it. Most of the time the thing that helps me the most is just plain old eating yoghurt. But I have to eat it *every day*. We ran out for a week or two so of course I have a raging infection.
I will try a solution that doesn’t require me to eat stuff I am only sort of ok with.
This is a story about getting pregnant:
And it’s not meant as advice, just as a sort of heartwarming story thing.
My parents’ neighbors Chris and Chet tried to have babies for three years. After the third year had passed, and the fertility clinics had failed them, they looked at each other, sighed, shrugged, and began the process to adopt a Korean orphan. We (on the block) could see the change in them immediately – instead of being pensive and frustrated all the time, they were suddenly relaxed and happy and planning instead of waiting. And then on the day they found out that their adoption had been approved, they also found out that Chris was pregnant – with twins. Thankfully the little girl they adopted was already one, so it wasn’t a full couple of years of 2am feedings.
::hugs:: to both of you. And hey, what’s your email? I have an embarrassing question.
Re: This is a story about getting pregnant:
My first name (the one that starts with a K and does NOT CONTAIN a T.
Re: This is a story about getting pregnant:
Or, if you can’t spell my name–this user name at lj dot com works too.
I’m all permanent and shit.
Re: This is a story about getting pregnant:
NBC nightly news tonight JUST did a thing on fertility and said that woman who are stressed are 93% less likely to impregnate. So that jives with the story you just told and I’ve heard of many other couples having a simular experience — getting preggers when they’ve finally given up and stopped trying.
They went on to talk about all the things they suggest to patients including the regulars — diet, exercise, meditation, no cafaeen or cigs, etc… Also folks from this one clinic said that they prescribe acupuncture before and directly after implantation and that studies have found it to be highly effective in helping women to impregnate which kind of surprised me.
They also said their strongest suggestion to viewers was to use those over the counter ovulation kits because timing was everything.
Re: This is a story about getting pregnant:
and this is not me giving advise (I already gave you mine — based on what friends of mine who were doing the preggers thing had told me — on IM a while ago), this is me relaying what I heard on the TV just now (as in literally just now)
Not advice…
Every time my sweetie gets a yeast infection, I end up feeling guilty…cause it must be happening because I’m a dirty filthy boy.
So big pick me up hugs from a dirty boy with a soft squishy center (the hernia came back).
Naw, probably has nothing to do with you. I have been getting them way longer than I have had contact with boys.
Hug when you’re ready for it.
not give any advice?
shoot, grrl, it’s gonna kill me.
but i won’t.
‘course being guy i would know all about yeast infections.
well, actually, i *did* have a yeast infection, once.
took the docs forever to figure it out
cause guys usually don’t get them.
i had to take this medicine
(i forget the name)
twice a day for a month.
i had to ejaculate
-at least- once a day
(good thing i was lots younger, then).
for 30 days straight
(so to speak)
i had the doc write that part down
’cause i *knew* my spouse would Never Ever Believe it.
the -at least- part was ok.
for about 3 days.
so, i guess i do know something about not wanting to have sex.
because after 30 days, straight
(so to speak)
i didn’t want to have anything to do with
nothing that even -sounded- like ejaculate.
i hope none of that sounded like advice.
’cause i really want to stay on your friends list.
so, if this aggravates you,
just go ahead and delete it.
and i’ll understand.
oh, and yo, hernia guy.
go get it fixed!
No well meaning advice…you don’t need any….you are one of the most capable people that I know. I am sorry that things are frustrating at the moment….and good for you for expressing it!