This weekend is Folsom. This big, fabulous, wonderfully pervy event right in my back yard. What am I doing this weekend? Grading papers. I’m behind and I am too tired during the week to catch up at night.
Ah well. Maybe I will get enough done on Saturday to hit the fair for a little while on Sunday. It’s not like I am up for dressing up anyway. Right now I am wearing stretch pants because wearing anything with a waist makes me want to vomit.
Sure you’re excited. Really.
Well, I feel excited. I *am* kind of boring.
it happens every year…
That’s what I keep telling myself since I’m not going to Folsom this year either.
I am, however, going to a ‘formal leather’ event on Saturday night and it’s close to home. I loves my high-hide stuff…
I’m so out of the loop that
1) I didn’t realize Folsom was this weekend
2) I don’t know what leather items fit me these days
probably not going, either.
hey – I just read about the pregnancy thing. Super-congrats!
But I am sad about not seeing you at the Folsom. I’m going to be there for like 12 hours helping out Uncle Mikey.