To whom it may concern:
Kristine has demonstrated teaching strategies that motive all students by her ability to develop a classroom environment that’s pleasant and where students are cooperative with each other. She gives verbal instructions at the beginning of the period and informs students to check the white board for daily work assignments and agenda items. Her students listen when she gives oral instructions and participate as they work together in daily assignment.
She maintains high standards for student behavior when she lectures, students work individually, in groups and when they work on worksheets. Students are informed to listen as she gives instructions and she expects them to respond cooperatively. She commands respect and give them respect. Students are given time to complete the work assigned and once their done she moves around and checks their work. Students that do not complete assignments are issued it as homework. Students are allowed to wander out of their seats when informed to do so as a part of the assignment.
Kristine, knowledge the English language is extensive and she is also involved in extra curricular activities and a club sponsor. I observed her lesson working on the standard addressing writing a research essay and reading comprehension using the book “For Water Like Chocolate.” Her presentation established a controlling impression that conveyed a clear and distinctive perspective on the subject and a focus throughout the classroom discussion related to food. She checked students for their understanding of English usage and comprehension. Students demonstrated their understanding by their ability to use thoughtful concepts of food to explain their moods and ideas. She presents lessons by using power point presentation, questioning, discussions, checks student understanding orally and written work or through the use of a work sheet.
Her instructional methods to assess student work include the use of giving students allotted time to work in class. A variety of instructional strategies focused on objectives. She uses individual work, direct instruction, probing questioning, and classroom control techniques. She incorporates subject, curriculum frameworks, and content standards in organizing subject matter. She moves about the room to monitor student progress, communicates respect for student opinions and interest and at the same time gets them to focus on their work.
Kristine presents her lessons or ideas clearly and meaningfully to all students. Her demeanor toward students is to get them engaged in the lesson both their attention, and interest. She establishes a warm and friendly tone in the classroom. She moves about the room, directly engaging all students throughout the period with a look, or a gesture.
I have observed Kristine experience success with her English III students. She is organized and her students demonstrate that by following her example.
It is pleasure to write this letter in support of Kristine Gibbs for an early completion of the BTSA program.