I need a sick and barfy icon

I feel terrible. Today isn’t the worst nausea I have felt, but I do feel overall really really awful. My stomach hurts. My back hurts. My head hurts. And today is one of those disgusting days when I am reminded that Gilroy isn’t far from my school. The whole campus reeks of garlic; I want to gag. The toilets in the staff bathroom back up at the drop of a hat and today one of them did while full of uhm something unpleasantly odorous. Walking into that room is enough to make me want to throw up. And that is not currently a room where I want to kneel and throw up. 🙁

And the morning started out so pleasantly…

I have decided that whining about being sick doesn’t count as “baby” posting so this isn’t filtered. I have also decided that if I get around to talking about pregnant sex (holy shit it’s awesome) that will go on the tmi filter and not the baby filter. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.

9 thoughts on “I need a sick and barfy icon

      1. blacksheep_lj

        What worked best for me were two key items:
        1) Drink half your pound weight in ounces of water every day. If you weigh 160 (using my pre-preg wt) drink 80 oz of water. It REALLY helps dilute the hormones and keep things processing better.
        2) Small snacks CONSTANTLY. Having a little something in my stomach, even though it seemed like the worst possible idea always took the nausea down. I ate crackers, nuts, cheese…..pretty much anything you can manage. I carried Clif bars EVERYWHERE because I needed to be able to eat ASAP if I started turning green. Vortlimpa was extremely helpful in being able to recognize my downturns and force me to eat.

        If you find that nothing is working (it’s still REALLY early so you probably don’t really know WHAT you’re going to feel like) don’t be afraid to ask for help. There is such a thing as hyperemesis gravidum (excess pregnancy related nausea) and you can be medicated for it, if you find you can’t keep anything down and are risking dehydration.

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          I can’t drink water. For some reason it makes me feel nasty and disgusting. I’m drinking juice and juice and juice. The calories aren’t a problem because I’m losing weight.

  1. baileythorne

    Many years ago, I remember my female boss at GE giving a female co-worker a case of saltine crackers to help her through her first pregnancy… said having something on her stomach would help.

    Having no first hand experience at pregnant sex & no intention of going there, feel free to share. It’s the closest I’ll ever get 🙂

  2. lady_phoenixice

    am I on the “baby filter?”

    If no, I’d like to be!!

    how far along are you? (I’m 14 weeks, and due to lack of internetting, I just found out! Congrats and expect a call from me!!)

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      You weren’t, but now you are.

      I’m 11 weeks-ish as my best guess of the moment. I have an internal in a little less than two weeks to find out for sure. My midwife suspects I may be further along than I think. Don’t call before 4pm PST or we can’t answer the phone. 🙂


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