Kids are strange.

I feel like crap and I’m being very frank about this with the kids. I’m not being my normal walking-around self. So when kids are talking out of turn or sleeping I don’t feel like getting up to smack their desks how I normally do. So instead, I brought in a squirt bottle. It has fantastic range. I have proven that I can get basically every desk in the room.

The kids love it. They laugh when they get hit, but then they knock off their crap. A threat is often enough to get them to stop. I think this is so funny.

10 thoughts on “Kids are strange.

    1. angelbob

      It’s amazing the variety of critters that a given correction technique works with, as evidenced by the broad applicability of the techniques in “Don’t Shoot the Dog” (a fine book on behavior modification for critters from scallops to dolphins to dogs and cats to people).

      1. terralthra

        I’ve had to severely curtail my nerf gun usage since moving in with Sergei, a kitten with some mental issues re. firearms. He was shot in the head with a pellet gun in a bad neighborhood in milpitas, and now all it takes it the cocking of a nerf gun to get him to stop what he’s doing and cower or run in fear.

        Effective discipline tool, but also somewhat cruel. =/

        1. japlady

          our cat had the same reaction to the sound of a magazine being rolled up, you didn’t actually have to hit him with it, just rolling it up did that trick

    2. notmy_realname

      this was also recently used in a TV show

      In a recent episode of a new kids TV show called iCarly, the main character sprays the other kids to get them to stop arguing, saying it works on cats to keep them off the couch.

  1. rbus

    we used a spray bottle on the kids when they were little
    but old enough to know right from wrong.

    amazingly effective,
    but you had to watch
    they didn’t make a game out of the punishment.

    years ago,
    next door to us was a vicious dog
    who would run to the 8′ cyclone fence between our properties,
    growling and snapping, and try to climb it to get at us.

    one day we went out
    and the dog ran to the other side of his yard.

    i asked my wife if she had seen that.
    she smiled, went into the house
    and brought out a spray bottle.

    “i started out with water
    that didn’t work
    so i switched to vinegar.”

    we only used water on the kids….


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