I finally got around to reading Harry Potter. All seven books in eight days. That was way better than reading earlier and having to wait around for sequels.
I have read more new-to-me books and more rereads for fun in the past six months than I have in the previous five years total. I’m not really sure what is up with needing to escape from my life more. But I have read some nifty books. (I think I’m up to 15 books in the last six months?)
As obsessions go, reading is an excellent choice. All in all, a healthy addiction.
I’m always reading something… but have yet to start Harry Potter. I agree that it’s way better when you don’t have to wait!!
Any recommendations, post ’em?
I liked the books far more than I thought I would. I liked the cotton candy level of the story. I liked falling into a whole different world with no pressure for me.
seven books?
eight days?
you trying to burn th gray matter right oucher skull
or what?
reminds me of the time
while in gradual skool
read all
14 of the ian fleming james bond books
one right after the other.
much shorter than the potters.
still nearly kilt me ded.
still makes my brain crawl when i think about it.
Naw man–this was very little actual reading time cause I have that full time job thing.
I’m mad good at reading.
you must be.
enjoy it while you can
acause bifuckles’ slow you down.