
I go to work. I come home and sit on the couch. I try to putter around the house but even that isn’t a sure thing. I haven’t been talking to people much and I rarely get to be social. I’ve been trying consciously to at least talk to people online a little bit more but my arms are hurting enough (go swelling) that I have reduced my typing time almost to half what it normally is. This is impacting my ability to talk to people. All of my friends spend a lot of time complaining they hate the phone and I don’t have the physical or mental energy to go hang out at parties. So I only see Noah. This is feeling pretty lonely. I’m not really sure what to do about it though. I am not physically capable of seeing my friends after they get off work at 7 or so at night because I’m already at home getting into jammies at that point. Weekends I spend trying to get a little bit of housework and a bunch of work done. But I’m lonely.

These thoughts brought to you by the fact that Dad found out through the grapevine that I am pregnant and he felt upset that he didn’t hear it from me. Well, I rarely talk to him because in the past two years every conversation we have had has been initiated by me and the only times we have seen one another was when I went up to Portland and I’m feeling kind of bitter. He has been in the Bay Area and still not bothered to see me. I sort of feel like most of my friends work that way. I initiate conversations. I go see people. I know that this isn’t true of absolutely all of my friends (thank you Sarah and Marcie and Chris and Crystal and Lee has been trying to talk to me lately) but it is true of the vast majority of people. So I’m feeling like me staying home is where I ought to be because no one seems to care about seeing me or talking to me anyway.

6 thoughts on “Isolated

  1. ef2p

    Not that I have lots of time to do this, but would it be a good thing for people to just drop by and visit randomly in the late afternoon or early evenings? If, so what are ‘visiting hours’?

  2. misterajc

    I don’t hate the phone. The number is 415 333 7576, and I am on Eastern time. Go ahead and call sometime. Feel free to interrupt me at work if you want, but don’t call after 8pm your time unless it is urgent.

  3. ditenebre

    I don’t hate the phone, either — I’m just not easy to reach because of my own somewhat isolating work/school/life balance issues.

    If, by chance, I could actually drive down for a visit during the day on a weekend, what timing would or wouldn’t work for you?

    Also, what are the odds you’re going to feel like doing a Fezziwigs visit this year? (Yes, I’m counting my comp tix before they hatch, why do you ask?)

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Most weekends we don’t do anything so we are home pretty much all day except for the odd grocery store trip. This weekend seems to be busy. Ew.

      I’m hoping to make it to Dickens this year. It’s always fun. 🙂


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