Waking up at 3am to a massive stomachache as my body demands food is really annoying. It did allow me to notice how OHMYGOD booked this weekend is. I think I am invited to six events. I told some people no-way-in-hell and others maybe-depending-on-ugg. It’s a bit galling that I can’t give a single “Yes”. *sigh* I hit 11 weeks on Friday. I have an appointment with a midwife today at 3:30. So far she seems like a smart ass–yay! Maybe I’ll find out how many weeks gestated I actually am so I can judge when the first trimester might actually end. Stupid irregular cycle.
Have I mentioned that I find it very bizarre that my most concrete symptom of pregnancy is that I am developing ‘mom’ nipples? Cause I often have weird stomach pain/eating issues–that’s just part of the joy of me. My boobs have hurt like this in the past when they grew on birth control. Going 11 weeks without a period is unusual but I’ve certainly gone longer than this. Being exhausted happened last year at the beginning of the school year (ok, nothing like this… but still). Yeah, for symptoms it is the ‘mom’ nipples for the win on convincing. I miss my nipples and I will never get them back.
Noah is talking to my stomach more. It’s massively cute.
Ok, 1/2 a sandwich, a glass of oj, and a banana later it’s time to go back to bed. zzzzzzzzz