Uhm, so uhh had an ultrasound this morning. I found out that my midwife apparently can’t tell the difference between a uterus and belly fat. This is not confidence inspiring. I’m 11 weeks and 6 days. So I’m not showing, I’m just really fat these days. WTF? At least now I am back to hoping that the second trimester clears up my nausea.
Due date: May 25th.
I’m carrying a fucking alien. I’ve seen pictures. It’s kind of creepy.
My vote is for modern medicine, no offense to your midwife
oh and this means you weren’t drinking nor getting Tatoos during the kid’s gestation right?
Uhhh… this means I only had one of each during gestation, during the first week or so when the kid wasn’t really set yet so what I was doing had very little effect. At that point the kid will abort or not based on whether the chromosomes are matching up and usually feel no effect from my stupid shit.
Welcome to the wonderful world of parenting swings – second guessing, and baffling scenarios.
I’m curious whether you will become more regular after the lizard is born. (cycles) I bet it will all be loads more clear next time around.
Alien made me laugh. Imagine what I thought at 16. ha.
trust me.
all children are aliens.