I hate parents. Ok, that is too broad. I hate the parents of my students. Ok, still too broad. I hate the parents who are sending me obnoxious emails. Ok, that’s fair. No, I will not go back and change your kids grade on the last progress report because he made up an assignment later. No, I cannot have a meeting with you Monday morning to discuss the fact that your son has had an F from the beginning of the semester. (WTF people, what do you think I do all day?!) Whining, bitching, and moaning is just nuts in my classes right now and I want to beat children over the head with sticks. Hates them all I does. Ok, not all. Some of them are just silly/obnoxious and I get to squirt them–that makes my day better.
I am going in to work today because of a parent conference and to help some kids catch up on work. I don’t really want to. I’ve been taking Fridays off and it is going to hurt that I worked five days this week. I have next Friday scheduled off and dear-lord I will need it. I can’t miss any other days next week because I have conferences scheduled with the kidlets during class all week and I am not physically up for making them up after school. Only 14 more days until vacation. There are only 19 school days left in my contract.
The sophomores are trying to talk me into making the final just vocabulary–they keep claiming it is so I will have an easier time. Horse pucky I say. The lazy gits don’t want to have to actually study.