Ironic timing there Rob

Virgos were told: “At Free Will Astrology, we love to turn things upside-down and inside-out every now and then. It keeps our mental hygiene sparkling clean, and yours, too. This week, in order to incite a purifying ruckus, we’re offering you a challenge from psychologist James Hillman. Please suck the following thoughts into the deepest recesses of your understanding, and enjoy the brainstorms they detonate: “By accepting the idea that you are the effect of a subtle buffeting between hereditary and societal forces, you reduce yourself to a result. The more your life is accounted for by what already occurred in your chromosomes, by what your parents did or didn’t do, and by your early years now long past, the more your biography is the story of a victim.” What I’m trying to tell you, Virgo, is that it’s a fine time to rebel against your genetic heritage, your upbringing, and your conditioning. Imagine a life for yourself in which you don’t believe that those factors control what you’re capable of.”

Funny that I am doing my best to do this just as I am told that I am failing. Awesome timing.

Also amusing timing on the Libra end of things: “It’s the Season of Returns and Recoveries, Libra. You will generate good fortune if you look for what you lost. Here are some suggestions on how to proceed: Recall important memories you’ve almost forgotten, retrieve any valuable things you rashly threw away, and bushwhack your way back to a promising path you strayed from. For best results, you should forgive yourself of any mistakes you think you made that led to the loss.”

I take from this combination that I don’t need to “get over” the things that I am being told to get over, rather that I don’t need to let those things limit who and what I am. I get to decide how I react to those factors, not those people who wish I would move on. I get to decide what I should move on from and how I do so.

One thought on “Ironic timing there Rob

  1. baileythorne

    “I take from this combination that I don’t need to “get over” the things that I am being told to get over, rather that I don’t need to let those things limit who and what I am.”

    well said — as the first paragraph made my head hurt…

    You can’t chose your past. You can chose your future. Eh?



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