Monthly Archives: January 2008

Body image and sex and societal programming, Oh my!

Recently one of my beloved g-bloggers brought up how she is going through changes in her body image/self-image post-baby and I didn’t comment at the time because I had too many thoughts to be able to make sense of them at the time. I’ve been thinking about it a lot since then though and I think I am more able to be coherent.
(Nope, not sure I was more coherent. WAY long-winded and rambly. Ah well. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. 🙂

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I can tell this is going to be a heavy posting day…

I’m getting ready to run away to buy books so I can started on my (mountain of) homework for this week. But before I do…

I generally work very hard to keep my mouth shut about politics. I find that the way that most people talk about politics is very difficult for me in a variety of reasons, so I am really picky about who I talk to about politics. But uhm…

I’m voting for Barack Obama. I have done more research on him than I have ever done on any other politician and everything I find makes me respect him more. He is the only candidate I have looked into who actually pushes for teacher accountability (now there’s a hot button for people). He is pushing for a lot of open government things that I believe in. And I’ll honestly say that listening to the man speak makes my eyes tear up and my heart soar. He has charisma oozing out of his pores. He inspires hope and I think our country needs that. I’m ok with people disagreeing with me and if you want to vociferously do so in comments I probably will read and not respond.

But yeah. He makes me hope and I think I need more of that in my life and in my country. I would encourage people who don’t know much about him to do some research and consider him as an option.

(Thanks for the reminder Cos.)


Pittsburgh is cold.
Victorian houses are pretty.
I have massive inferiority complexes.
I don’t maintain an even temperament well when my sleep schedule is completely fucked up.
My cat really misses me when I am gone for the weekend.
I lap up praise from professors like it is the best ice cream on the planet.

And then, completely randomly, I was thinking about this other thing…
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SJSU has redeemed itself.

I am still not fond of registration, but the woman in charge of my program and the head of graduate studies both bent over backwards to help me. Due to issues with computers (dang computers) I had to turn in a paper application today, but I was told that the woman in charge of graduate studies would be processing it today so that I can register. Now that’s service.

I’m bringing in flowers on Monday. I was in a tricky/bad situation and they bent over backwards for me. They both went above and beyond their job responsibilities and I am so grateful.

I will finish my MA this semester. YAY!!!

I miss g-blog

I miss g-blog because it was a rather random community. I only started off knowing a few people but then I was the catalyst for pulling some people into blogging there. That was neato. Indirectly there are a lot of people who are now on lj because of g-blog and the circle of people I influenced. The funny thing is–I no longer really talk to the main person who I pulled onto g-blog who pulled a bunch of other people. Evolution is an odd thing.

But I miss feeling free to talk about just about anything in public. The fact that people here know me more or at least, feel like they know me more, changes the audience. On g-blog I didn’t really feel like people were judging me even though at times they probably were. It felt more like the people didn’t know me and didn’t try to claim they did. There were many things I didn’t hesitate to say there, even with it being totally public, that I censor here down to a very small filter. Why? Who am I afraid of? Why do I care how people will judge me? I no longer have a job to hide behind. I have never worried about my family finding this. Sure, now I have a few minors reading this–but oh well. I probably did on g-blog too. It didn’t stop me from posting extremely detailed stories about my sex life.

I liked feeling like I had nothing to hide. I liked feeling like I was being honest with everyone. Lately I have usually been hiding anything serious behind a small filter because I don’t like feeling judged, but oh bloody well if people judge me. If people think I am too crazy/obnoxious/rude/inappropriate then they don’t have to read.

I guess it’s time to stop being friends-only.


– The registration department at SJSU has no record of me filing for a leave of absence.
– I may have to reapply for the MA program and finish my degree next semester.
– We won’t be able to move to PA until the middle of next fucking winter.
– Going through my last semester of grad school with an infant.
– More boredom over the next few months because I will have precious little to do between now and the baby coming.
– Being denied my easy path to moving to PA that I have gotten good and set in my head.

+ Hey, more time to read for the MA exam and memorize some god damn poetry so I don’t potentially fail that portion of the comp exam.
+ All the Powers That Be within my actual department are fighting like mad for me to be able to finish this semester and they are arguing with registration as I type. Go them.
+ I will have much less stress during the pregnancy.
+ I will maybe be able to take Spanish classes at a community college and waive the language exam requirement if I have the time off from school.
+ I could take some classes for fun at a JC credit/no credit so that I’m adding no stress but some interesting learning. (Could be neat.)

Alright, I’ve managed to talk myself out of being super pissy, but this is still frustrating.

Semi-obligatory emotional post

I have woken up in a bad mood for several days in a row and that is highly abnormal. Usually I wake up all sunny and happy. That’s why I consider myself a morning person. Even if I go to sleep in a bad mood I usually wake up happier. I’ve been going to sleep feeling fine and waking up kind of angry and fussy.


I talked to my mom yesterday. I asked for clarification about something she said to me when I called to tell her about Francesca. I felt hurt by what she said then but I wasn’t sure she meant it the way I took it. So I asked. Novel. She clarified and I can see both why I took it the way I did and what she meant and how what she meant wasn’t so bad. It was good. This whole “asking for clarification” thing seems to be working out.

I keep waffling between grieving hard for Francesca and being numb and forgetful. I feel like I am in a fog a lot of the time. I’m still pushing hard to get stuff done to the house this week. Classes are supposed to start tonight and I’m having registration issues. (My department has record of me filing for leave, registration doesn’t. @#%@(#)$) This week is the last really hard push for house stuff because the open house is this weekend while we are in Pittsburgh. After that, the house is pretty much going to be whatever it is. Tough titty said the kitty!

That means that starting on Monday my life is going to calm down. I won’t have a job. I won’t have obnoxious parents to deal with. I won’t be working on the house semi-frantically. I will have: school two nights a week, a really heavy reading load but that’s not scary for me, my frequent rounds of appointments (acupuncture, therapy, midwife, Chris pictures), and I need to start prenatal yoga and birth classes. Oy. I keep reminding myself that this is *less* stress/time commitments than I am used to.


Ok, I’ll try to stop being a moron now.

Blog for Choice Day

Well, the day is almost over, but here I go anyhow.

Blog for Choice Day

Right now I am lucky enough to be pregnant. I consider myself lucky because this was a planned for child conceived deliberately with forethought. I only get to have this special, wonderful baby because I have choices. If I did not have choices I would probably not have the life I have. I would not have been able to wait until I was ready. Everyone should have the choice as to when they have a child. That way children will be wanted and loved–which are basic rights every child deserves.

In other news

I got to ST today to finish packing and my energy just tanked. I can’t believe how tired I am all the time. Maybe I feel like this because I don’t really want to do this work? Hm. (Yes, I slept a lot last night.)

So little time and so much to do. Have to move whether I like it or not.

w00t! Math can be my friend! (also: classes for the semester)

I went through and did the math on my GPA for the MA program. (I’m a dumb ass and this took me a while.) If I get lowly B’s–which is unlikely, I am generally a very good student, my GPA is still high enough to graduate. Even with that F for the Incomplete I didn’t finish. I hated that teacher enough to be willing to fuck my GPA with an F just so that I never had to talk to her again. It was worth it. My life is better for it.

It looks like I am taking two classes. One of them is on Mondays which will require rescheduling Chris.

English 204 – Seminar in Modern Approaches to Literature (Prof. Brada-Williams)

M 1900-2145

The Russian Formalists argued that what made literary language different from other forms of language was that literature defamiliarizes, making us see the world in a new way. One could argue that the literary theory and criticism of the twentieth century has, in turn, made us see literature in new ways. The semester will be spent in examining various ways critics and theorists have come to see the way literature works, and to form the questions we must ask of texts, of readers, of authors, and of how literature continues to shape the way we see the world around us. We will read and discuss many rigorous and intellectually challenging critical and theoretical readings, mostly from The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism.

English 254: Seminar in Genre Studies of American Literature (Prof. Douglass)

W 1600-1845

The Literature of Social and Political Change: Some of the literature of socio-political intent is sentimental, some sensationalist, some as didactic as Plato’s The Republic. Whether sentimental, sensational, teacherly, preacherly, or stealthy in its approach, however, a great deal of American literature has been produced from the desire to change the world. Politically engaged literature took a critical beating in the past century, as the New Criticism elevated the art object above the fray of particular political and social conflicts, but the critical schools that flowered in soil turned over by the New Criticism have argued that art is always implicated in the cultural conflicts that produce power and wealth. Instead of looking for the hidden or subconscious intent in works that ask to be accepted as “ nonpolitical,” this course will focus on literature which overtly engages the social and political issues of its day. We will consider this literature in the light of aesthetic standards and from recent critical perspectives such as Deconstruction, Marxism, Feminism, Queer Studies, and Postcolonialism. Some authors to be considered include Sherman Alexie, Amiri Baraka, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Lorraine Hansberry, Upton Sinclair, Dalton Trumbo, Helen Hunt Jackson, John Steinbeck, David Henry Hwang, Margaret Atwood, and Richard Wright.

These both sound interesting and challenging. I have a strong familiarity with some branches of criticism, but I’m completely non-existent in other areas. This should help me towards the final exam I need to take for the MA. I will be spending an inordinate amount of time reading and studying over the next few months as the next opportunity to take the MA exam is in April. I also need to start working on Spanish again so I can try to take the language test. Thank god it is written only. I think I will be able to handle it, but I may be recruiting my friends who know Spanish for a few study sessions. 🙂

It’s going to feel weird to be a student again.


This feels almost un-American.

The only debt we have left is the mortgage and the house goes on the market today. The houses we are looking at in Pittsburgh we will be able to buy in cash with some left over. My student loans are gone. Our car is paid off. The motorcycle is paid off. The silly debt Noah had is gone. I thought Americans had to be in debt?

Not only are we not in debt we don’t live month to month. This is… creepy. How did this become my life? Ok, so this is going to get a lot less easy in a couple of months when we start noticing the lack of my salary, but we are going into this stage in the best way possible.

I am not poor anymore. I’m not broke anymore. I am unlikely to ever really get back to a place in my life where money is a problem.

It breaks my head.

Things I am looking forward to about moving.

There will be no drama around scene involvement. I probably won’t really get into the scene for a number of years so I get to be drama-free. Wheeeeeee

I won’t have to fix up a house that I have never really wanted to live in. I’m encountering a lot of physical resistence to this task. My body just doesn’t want to do it. It isn’t that the house is awful or that I am *that* bitter about anything in particular. It’s just not someplace that I chose. I have gotten to actually choose exactly one place I have ever lived. I really want my own house to work on. Where I will get to enjoy the fruits of my labor for years and years instead of trying to drive up the sale price.

I want to pick a house and move in and figure out where everything goes with no history behind any of the rooms or furniture arrangements. We also get to buy furniture basically for an entire house. A new bed. Probably new bedding. I will get to pick *everything* (with Noah, of course) but none of it will be stuff that I just have to accept. I get new stuff. Ok, so I’m probably going to try to buy a lot of it used but it will still have no history for me. Yay!

I will maintain contact with the people I really like and there won’t be much in the way of hard feelings when I drift away from people. It will be easy to see who actually cares about keeping in touch with me. No more feeling pressured to go to a party because I like one person. Yay!

A new start. Many people in my life have known me for a very long time. They react to me in very set ways that don’t always reflect the ways that I and they and our relationship have changed. It will be nice to not have to deal with this situation so much.

I will get to start traditions of my own with my family without having to accomodate the many things people want me to be involved with. I don’t really resent being involved with other peoples’ traditions, but I want my own.

By the time we move I will have gotten over guilt for leaving my job. (Mostly) I will be done with my MA and I will never have to deal with SJSU again. No more event planning, ever.

Getting rid of a bunch of stuff that isn’t necessary for life. Holy cow do we have crap.

So many new beginnings. I think moving will be really good.

{dirty} naughty meme

1. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
Noah probably hopes the answer is yes. 🙂 But other than him the answer is still yes.

2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night?
Yes. Although morning and afternoon tend to go better than night.

3. On which side of the bed do you sleep?
Where’s the bathroom? (Usually on the left though.)

4. Pork, beef, or chicken?
Mostly chicken, but I like beef and ham. Mmmm ham.

5. Ever have to pull over on side of road to puke?
Yup. I’m a puker.

6. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?

7. Shower or bath?
I hate showers and love baths, but showers are a sad part of modern life.

8. Do you pee in the shower?
Yes. (But not in the bath.)

9. Mexican or Chinese?
Depends on the day, but usually Chinese.

10. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
Aggressive, aggressive, aggressive. Meow. Please please please make me do what you want me to do. 🙂

11. Do you love someone on your friends list?
Of course.

12. Do you know all the people on your friends list?
Mostly. There are some g-bloggers and people I haven’t met yet.

13. Love or money?
I need enough money to feel safe, but I go for love in general.

14. Credit cards or cash?
Credit cards–yay free Amazon books! (Pay it off every month.)

15. Has/Is there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn’t?
Ha. Duh.

16. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel?
Depends on when. I like both a lot. Though I’m moving in the 5 star hotel direction more. Noah has spoiled me.

17. What is the weirdest place you have had sex?
Plane bathroom? The field next to my boyfriend’s step-sister’s wedding? The rest stop on the side of I-5 with people all over? In front of hundreds of people at a bdsm convention? Hard to judge.

18. Would you shave your entire body (including your head) for money?
I probably would. But Noah would demand that it be a LOT of money.

19. Have you ever been to a strip club?
I actually like them a lot. 🙂

20. Ever been to a bar?

21. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?

22. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere?

23. Kissed someone of the same sex?
Mmmm girls.

24. Favorite drink?
Orange juice! Oh, it probably mean alcohol. Hmmmm. Really good port.

25. Had sex in a movie theater?
Not actual penetrative sex, but lots of fingering and hand jobs and oral. If you count drive-ins then hell yes.

26. Had sex in a bathroom?

27. Have you ever had sex at work?
Not at my work. I kind of feel like Noah and I should drive down to the school and change this today before I hand in my keys. I have had sex at other people’s work.

28. Have you ever been in an adult store?

29. Bought something from an adult store?

30. Have you been caught having sex?
I don’t think I have ever been “caught” in the sense people think of. I have certainly had people be aware and ignore.

31. Does anyone have naughty pics of you?

32. Have you ever called someone the wrong name during sex?
I really don’t think I have. I feel bad enough calling someone the wrong name during conversation.

33. Who do you think has the guts to repost this?
*shrug* If they want to they will. Not about guts.

Last day

I sent out an all staff email letting people know that today is my last day. The response is overwhelming. I think I will cry. I think I never understand how much people like me because I don’t like myself enough. This sort of thing is always so surprising to me. But I’m really glad to see it. I’ve only been here two and a half years but I’ve really earned the respect of my colleagues. That makes me feel really good.

And a kid came into class crying this morning. I took her outside and talked to her for a while. By the end she was smiling. I think the kids are really going to miss me. I succeeded at what I wanted more than anything career-wise. I became a good teacher.

A hard, but good thing

I like doing anonymous question time every so often. I get good questions. Things about: what kind of personality do I hope my kid will have. When did I lose my virginity. What is the hardest thing I went through as a kid. Touchy hard things to ask about sex. And today I was asked when does hitting become abuse. The kid qualified that he or she doesn’t get hit that much, but sometimes it gets kind of out of hand.

I really value this time because sometimes I am asked stupid questions, but I can tell that the kids store up these things they are afraid to ask about. I’m always painfully honest. (I didn’t give them an exact age on losing my virginity but I pointed out that some people measure from losing the hymen but I believe that virginity goes when you first *choose* to have sex. I told them that I was younger than I hope will be true for them and I made the decision then because I had a bad childhood and believed that was the way to get someone to like me. I said that I hope they have a better sense of self-esteem than that because they all deserve better.) The question about hitting lead to a very serious and intense conversation about abuse and how to get out of it. I expressed that the person who submitted the question is brave for being willing to ask, even in an anonymous setting. I talked about how much shame and guilt exists around this topic and why people tend to feel guilty. I told them about the process for reporting abuse and what will happen to them if they do report it and why going through that is worth it.

They were very intense as they listened. I was impressed. I think this is one of the best things I do as a teacher. I’m going to miss this.

And I told them about the tattoo. They are stunned.

Dear Lazyweb…

So Noah and I have been having conversations about nutrition a lot lately as what I put in my mouth became Way More Interesting about eight months ago (pre-Lizarding). Everyone keeps asking me if I am having cravings and I’m so not. Right now the best I can hope for is food that sounds vaguely ok–most food doesn’t. I’m having a lot of aversions though. Turkey is disgusting. Broccoli makes me gag. I can rarely eat meat and never in much quantity. Vegetables in general are just no fun to eat. What I find weird is that when we were buying skim milk I was drinking copious quantities–we switched to 1% out of some vague idea it would be better for me and I have stopped drinking milk because it doesn’t taste good. Eggs are usually really really disgusting.

So what I am seeking to understand, oh Lazyweb, is: am I having no cravings because I am overall nutritionally sound? This is Noah’s theory and I am not sure. Pre-pregnancy I was extremely good about eating a balanced diet, I’ve been on nutritional supplements for months and months. Am I just riding out the waves of nutrition stored in my system? Does nutrition work that way? If not, what can I possibly do to encourage my body to like nutritious food again? (McDonalds is easy to eat.)

It is worth pointing out that if I get didactic “You should…” with judgment sorts of comments I will probably delete them. I’m doing the best I can right now and I don’t need to be told I suck for doing the best I can.