So I’m helping to run this con. At this point it seems as though people don’t know it is happening and therefore aren’t registering. Here is information on it. Because this is my private blog and you are probably someone I like and consider a friend I will say rather bluntly: please dear god come to the event. We need to have at least 40 people in order to break even. That’s not much. And dude, I have some totally fucking awesome classes lined up.
Please forward the below information to anyone you think might be vaguely interested.
TNG4 – Bound for the Bay
Feb 15 – 18 2008 — President’s Day Weekend
@ Edges, the Silicon Valley Dungeon
Come join us this Presidents Day weekend for TNG4 – Bound for the Bay, a gathering for younger pervs ages 18-35 and their partners, when it comes to the Bay Area.
Whether you identify with BDSM, SM, Leather, Poly, Kink, Fetish, some other term altogether or no label at all, we invite you to join us and some 200 other younger pervs both from across the country as well as locally from the Bay Area for three days and three nights of learning, socializing, connecting, and fun at Edges, The Silicon Valley Dungeon.
Registration is now open!
We have a number of presenters and speakers lined up including:
Lee Harrington – Sir Michael – Zuchtiger – Shamara –
Coral Mallow, Ms. Oregon State Leather and her boy Ryan
Boymeat – Ryan aka Psychokitty – Michael Delaney
Rita Seagrave- Tim (BR) – Arielle – Rae Goldman – Pepper Mint – Lark Ellison
We have tried to keep costs low for you, so registration will be $125 up to the beginning of February when it goes up to $150, and we have arranged a rate of $89/night (plus tax) at the Hawthorn Suites in Santa Clara.
We also plan on having fun, with three nights of parties and socials so you can get more familiar with all those new friendly faces that you met during the day.
Still reading? We will have a volunteer fair in early January to help fill out our volunteer staff needs, but in the meanwhile, if you want to help out, contact our Volunteer Coordinator at <>
We will also be putting out a call for proposals for panel discussions in the next few weeks once we figure out how many we can add to the schedule. You can keep with these and other announcements by checking out our site and joining the announcement and chat lists from there.
Interested in advertising with us? Sponsoring? Let us know with an email to <>, and check out the website!
I got myself hatched to early….37…I’m a old pervert…or at least not a young one
Re: Doh…sorry…
Not helpful.
Re: Doh…sorry…
does this mean that pervs older than 35 aren’t welcome?
me, I’m 38… and admittedly, kind of minor on the pervert scale…
however, will forward this info to the hubby and see if he is interested, since he is a younger perv.
Re: Doh…sorry…
it is folks 18-35 and their partners. And the event is also for ploy folks, sex positive folks, etc- you don’t have to be a super-perv to have a good time
Re: Doh…sorry…
good! I might try to go for a bit though I intend to go to Pantheacon too.
thanks for the information.
Re: Doh…sorry…
I am doing PantheaCon Friday daytime and probably also saturday daytime, but friday night, saturday night and all of sunday and monday I’ll be at TNG4. The joy of being a travelling kinky shaman…
Re: Doh…sorry…
You and me both. Those of us in the geriatric set ought to host our own party, since we’re not on the invite list of the young and restless. *wicked grin*
I am both intrigued and hesitant.
I would keep you safe and dress you up. I promise.
I’m an old fuddy-duddy, but good luck.
Not necessary information.
He’s longing to be part of the fun- is that so wrong? Shutting people down is not always helpful- perhaps he knows people who would like to go? Perhaps is partner is of the appropriate age. Perhaps he wants to advertise in the program? Perhaps he wants to wish people well???
Too old and too far away. Plus, Coral just beat the crap out of me on New Year’s.
Know anyone who might want to come that you could encourage to attend a great event?
I’m theoretically getting in as staff, possibly as Ops. Right now I’m waiting on Jon to send me more stuff to rewrite. I hope he’ll forgive me for not getting a hotel room, since I live so close to con site.
Has this been advertised on Vickie’s lists at all? Tribe?
Jon is heading up advertising- maybe you could throw the ideas towards him?
I’ll ping him next time I see him online.
I am on the cusp of being too old…this will be my last year to attend…and I would so love to see you.
If I flew…which station would I fly to?
If I took a train…which station would be the most effeicient?
If I did come…where would I sleep?
I do so want to come…and can somewhat afford it.
the closest airport is San Jose, and there are super cheap flights from PDX on SouthWest Airlines right now. At least there were last week. I’d offer space in my hotel room but we are full. FYI, PantheaCon, the big pagan conference in California, is 10 miles away and the same weekend if you want to double-dip your weekend and attend both cons.
The train or airport would be San Jose. If you can afford the hotel the information is on the webpage. If you can’t afford the hotel you would be welcome at my house.
Oh my darling girl, I would like to implore you to consider coming quite strongly.
I just wanted to confirm…
It’s a Go!
For sure I will see you…details and class descriptions to follow.
… and their partners? that line needs changed. Look forward to it though!
I can post…
the event to various and sundry queer lists I’m on if you give me the ‘press ready’ copy.
I’ve told a few of my friends and I think at least 2 from Sac are going.
Good luck
Re: I can post…
or I can just copy and paste the text of your entry… duh
it’s late, I’m tired
Re: I can post…
please add “and their partners” to the post on the age section, but yesm beyond that, cutting and pasting is perfect- thanks for offering to help out!
“and their partners”???
so if it’s not a visitation weekend (too early in the morning to figure that out), and if jess is free (she’s asleep right now and wouldn’t know off the top of her head right now anyway), but if and if, then we could theoretically both go, because she’s under 35 despite the fact that I’m not? Am I understanding that correctly?
Re: “and their partners”???
Yes, because Jess is in the age range you are welcome to be her guest.
Re: “and their partners”???
Er, well, now I counted out the weekends, and that’s one where I am unable to go to this. Wish I could. Maybe jess’a wants to go anyway. I’ll pass on the info and see.
Sorry love, but I’m older than I look. Best of luck to you though.
I know a number of people who would love to go, but those that can afford it are all in their late 30s or early 40s, and those that are in your age range are all poor. Yes, I could find a date (most of my former subbies are in the 21-25 range) but that would cause undue complications in the rest of my life. Besides, wouldn’t that really defeat the purpose of the event if all us in the geriatric set bought our way in with a younger partner?
Struggling to find a date for the con isn’t entirely in the spirit of the event, but if you were actually dating someone right now who was in the age range you would be completely welcome. The point isn’t really, “Ewww all people over 35 are ICKY”. The point is more that it is very intimidating for a lot of the really young ones to be one of fewer than five people at an avent who are under 30. Creating space like this allows those people to feel like they won’t be attacked constantly as fresh meat.
You aren’t exactly part of the attack-fresh-meat problem.
I wish I could help…
… but there’s not much I can do. If you organize an event with a really exclusionary admissions policy you may have to deal with the fact that not many people are going to come.
Just emailed the two kinky-under-35 people I know that I don’t think you know.
Thank you, I appreciate your help.