Heartbeat! Discernable heartbeat! The Lizard has a heartbeat of 160 bpm. Apparently there is a wives tale that says this means kiddo is a girl. The funny thing is–I don’t want to find out for certain, but thinking of the Lizard as a girl makes me giddy. I’m pretty sure I would feel the same way about a boy. Have I mentioned that I really want this child? I’m ‘measuring’ at 21 cm which is pretty much perfect considering that I am at 20 weeks 4 days. (From the 20th week usually you can measure the belly and the centimeters will match the week you are in.) Lizard was hanging out in the very lower right hand part of my uterus. I think that is so neat. It makes sense because so much of the kicking is really low. Baby! I’m having a baby!!!!
Ok, I’ll stop now.
Mazel tov, Lizard!
YAyayayayay! So exciting. So much fun! I think Frogling’s was consistently about 140. Have you done the doppler listening to the heartbeat? It’s the most bestest sound…..
blee eyen ha rah
Neato!! I hope there’s some truth to that old wives tale, I’d love a have a girl! If not, a boy. Or heck, it could be transgender, which would be great. I’ll take healthy!
So you’re not going to find out if it’s a boy or girl? Are you getting lots of pressure from your friends and family to find out the sex?
Not really. My students are pushy about it, but my family wouldn’t dare and my friends are mellow about it.
That’s good then. They probably know if they gave you a guilt trip they would regret it. My family, on the other hand, they are thick skinned and guilt trip delivery specialists!
sooooooooo cute!
it was *really* nice having you over and getting to snuggle you and feel the lizard.
Yay Baby!