Francesca Bennet was one of my adopted moms. I’ve been blessed to have several. Although I never actually called Francesca mom. She and I discussed how she has never been an actual mother and she didn’t feel she needed that distinction at this stage of life because it didn’t have the same meaning for her. But she mentored me. She was one of my closer friends. I didn’t call her enough. I didn’t try hard enough to see her more often and now it is too late.
I’m going to miss her so much. She is the closest to me death I have had as an adult and this is going to be very hard.
*quiet hugs* My condolences, dearest.
I am so sorry…
I’m stunned. I dated Guy. I was friends with Francesca – though not as close as the two of you. I got on LJ to stay in touch.. never expected it to bring me this kind of news. I’ll drop Guy a note and ask his preferences for honoring her memory.
2007 was a sad kind of year for me and this is a truly sad start for 2008. Glad to get your ongoing happy baby updates
Re: details?
I don’t have details yet. When I have them I will share what is appropriate.
Re: details?
Here’s what was posted to our local BDSM list:
Lots of people want to know what they can do to help. Here’s what you can
Francesca was an animal lover. She had a gigantic heart and she cared
deeply for all living things. So rather than send flowers or other things
please make a donation to the Humane Society of Southwest Washington.
Please include “In memory of Holly Francesca Bennett” with your donation
Holly Francesca Bennett Memorial Fund
Humane Society for Southwest Washington
2121 St. Francis Lane
Vancouver, Washington 98660
I’m so sorry. ***HUGS***
I’m sorry for your loss.