The kids are coming. By this I mean that my (now former) students are going to be allowed to read my blog. I’m not the teacher as of Friday and there isn’t jack-diddly-squat anyone can do to me if the kidlets see something dirty.
That said–ya’ll don’t get filters. Nuh uh.
I guess I need to be more careful about filtering for a while. They’ll all turn 18 eventually and then I won’t care anymore.
This is kind of creepy. It’s like they are walking in on me in the bathroom.
It will make for some interesting comments…
I think it’ll be a series of very “educational” moments for them …
You’re warning us about them, but did you warn them about US!
Hell no. If they want to read, they can deal with it.
I think that’s a healthy approach.
Well, ya’ll don’t say much that is *that* interesting in public/just friends-only posts. We save the interesting stuff for filters. Even if you don’t know you are doing it.
That should be me because that she is the opposite of what I am. I never do anything crazy, I have never smoked a cigarette, I’ve never spat drink all over the place… As you can probably tell, I’m going through a teenaged identity crisis of “I hate myself”. Oh wait, that’s the last sixteen years of life. Haw haw haw. I’m always pretty cynical in my bloggage, so I’m not always that full of self-loathing.
And is it really bad to have students read your blog? I mean, we’re in high school so we probably know a majority of the themes that will be discussed, etc. If not lived them, at least heard of them in one form or another. We aren’t as bad as you think, I promise. :}
And your layout is a lot more.. pink than I would have expected. Hehe.
This one sounds smart. She can stay.
This one was my aide last year and is one of the kids who went to Everytown with me. I really like her so I’m glad she can stay.
I know you aren’t bad or you wouldn’t be reading my blog.
I would like to point out that innocence is something that once you lose it you can never get it back. Whereas experience is something that once you start getting it, there will be a snowball effect and you will get more and more and more. Try to be happy with where you are now and who you are now. Once this time of your life is over it is really over for good. You will miss it even though you don’t think so now.
I like pink!
Er, you told them where to find your blog, obviously, so you can’t be that concerned.
Honsetly, there is very little you can say that will shock me at this point. You, of all people, should know that by now.
But I respect the fact that you still want your privacy.
Think of it as…we’re walking in on you in the bathroom but we’ll politely avert our eyes when you ask it of us.
Oh, and a hello to all of your journal-reading friends. I’ve heard some things about you as a group and I daresay that Kristine will be correct when she says you are what I have to look forward to in the next few years.
How was it you put it? I’ve shown you the future of your “group”. ^_^
“Honsetly, there is very little you can say that will shock me at this point. You, of all people, should know that by now. :)”
You are so 17. What I know by now is that there are a number of things I could say that would shock the hell out of you. That’s why I have filters.
Love you! Wait a while!
I doubt that.
But alright.
I made a present for joo.
I actually put some /effort/ into this one.
And I used a photo reference.
And you have /real/ clothing on. x3
And here’s an LJ icon-sized crop of it for convenience:
100×100 icon
Hope you like!<3
I only just now came back and saw this. Love the pic!
Oh, haha, I’m glad you like it!