Last night I was being very angsty and fussy. My Noah was awesome about listening to me fuss. He patted me on the head. He told me stuff I’m doing well. He validated my feelings. And he helped me type up the stoopid review questions. And did I mention that he did all of this after running around the house finishing up the stuff that needed to happen before staging today?
Have I mentioned that I married the best boy ever? Cause I did. Best. Boy. Ever.
He’s very cool. I approve. (:
He is rather wonderful, isn’t he? I’m glad that you two appreciate eachother so much.
Have I ever told you how much I like that picture of the two of you? And have I mentioned that I think Lizard is a very lucky little thing to be coming into a home filled with such love?
It’s been a lot of work to get to this point. Has been worth it.