Things I am looking forward to about moving.

There will be no drama around scene involvement. I probably won’t really get into the scene for a number of years so I get to be drama-free. Wheeeeeee

I won’t have to fix up a house that I have never really wanted to live in. I’m encountering a lot of physical resistence to this task. My body just doesn’t want to do it. It isn’t that the house is awful or that I am *that* bitter about anything in particular. It’s just not someplace that I chose. I have gotten to actually choose exactly one place I have ever lived. I really want my own house to work on. Where I will get to enjoy the fruits of my labor for years and years instead of trying to drive up the sale price.

I want to pick a house and move in and figure out where everything goes with no history behind any of the rooms or furniture arrangements. We also get to buy furniture basically for an entire house. A new bed. Probably new bedding. I will get to pick *everything* (with Noah, of course) but none of it will be stuff that I just have to accept. I get new stuff. Ok, so I’m probably going to try to buy a lot of it used but it will still have no history for me. Yay!

I will maintain contact with the people I really like and there won’t be much in the way of hard feelings when I drift away from people. It will be easy to see who actually cares about keeping in touch with me. No more feeling pressured to go to a party because I like one person. Yay!

A new start. Many people in my life have known me for a very long time. They react to me in very set ways that don’t always reflect the ways that I and they and our relationship have changed. It will be nice to not have to deal with this situation so much.

I will get to start traditions of my own with my family without having to accomodate the many things people want me to be involved with. I don’t really resent being involved with other peoples’ traditions, but I want my own.

By the time we move I will have gotten over guilt for leaving my job. (Mostly) I will be done with my MA and I will never have to deal with SJSU again. No more event planning, ever.

Getting rid of a bunch of stuff that isn’t necessary for life. Holy cow do we have crap.

So many new beginnings. I think moving will be really good.

3 thoughts on “Things I am looking forward to about moving.

  1. bldrnrpdx

    I definitely went through the “shedding” of crap when I moved to the house I have now. After 10 years in a 1200 sqft house, I accumulated a bunch of stuff (to say the least) plus held onto stuff for other people. Now I’m in a house that’s 560 sqft and there’s no room for anyone’s stuff but mine, and waaay less of mine. It’s helped me decide on some family (birth family as well as when I was married) traditions to keep or jet. The boyfriend has also helped me rethink some traditions to keep or jet – he’s open enough to either that it gives me room to think well about it.

    When the ex and I split up, I knew I’d be moving sooner or later so I held onto a lot of stuff for a couple of years just for practical purposes – at the time I didn’t know what I’d be moving into, so I waited till I found this house to replace a bunch of stuff. Now I’m nearly free of everything I don’t want from that period. I’ve only got what I actually want to keep from then. And a good share of the stuff I had from then was from his family or mine or otherwise hand-me-downs because we were so broke. I’m finally in a place where I can (more or less) get what *I* want and not “what will serve for right now”.

    It’s all very exciting! I have many happy thoughts for you, your family, and your move.


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