Reply to this post, and I’ll tell you one or two (maybe even three) reasons why I like you. Then put this in your own journal, if you like, and spread the love.
Reply to this post, and I’ll tell you one or two (maybe even three) reasons why I like you. Then put this in your own journal, if you like, and spread the love.
Me! Me! Me!
1) I like that you let me help you say no. That was probably one of the most intense, powerful things I have ever been part of. Thank you.
2) I like that you are working on parts of yourself that are hard and scary. Most people are too chicken shit and you don’t give yourself nearly enough credit.
3) I like how you have gotten better over the years about being honest about your feelings. You used to try harder to be what other people wanted you to be and you are doing less and less of it. I’m proud of you.
‘Tis a grey day. I could use a cheerful word, please.
1) I like that you challenge me to think about how I am going to do something good for the world. (Who cares what pissy comments people leave–I think it is a fucking awesome question to ask.)
2) I like how you prioritize your children. I have *enormous* respect for you because of that.
3) I like how you look in a hat. Ok, this sounds silly–but I have always desperately wanted to wear hats and I look stupid in them. I’ve seen you in more than one and you always look dashing and hot and just darn neat.
Thank you.
I’m pretty sure you like me, but I’m insecure enough to want reassurance.
Course I like you! You show up in my neighborhood Safeway wearing a Good Vibes shirt! (Ok, not lately…)
1) I like that you are good about asking for what you need in your lj. When you aren’t having a great day you never play passive aggressive games with it–you just specifically say what you want. That’s neat. (I rarely respond, but that’s a different issue…)
2) Everytime I see you, rare though it is, you act like you have been really looking forward to seeing me. It feels nice.
3) I like that you are trying to take steps to make your life better. Most people are too lazy and it’s great that you have actually done some of the things you set as goals for yourself.
Unfortunately, the Good Vibes t-shirt is no longer appropriate for wearing out of the house. (And no longer available for purchase! Alas!)
And I do look forward to seeing you, even if it’s hard to motivate my ass into actually doing it. I have the same problem with the cards I buy to randomly send you, oddly, despite the minimal effort it would take.
I often *feel* very lazy, despite rationally knowing that a lot of it is medically grounded and I’m not entirely culpable.
I love your passion, and the concern and effort you put into your kids. (I’m glad you’re going to be a mom, by the way.) I love your bravery in confronting and coping with the things in your life you want to improve. You’re really neat. And also really sexy.
“I often *feel* very lazy, despite rationally knowing that a lot of it is medically grounded and I’m not entirely culpable.”
Boy howdy do I feel you on this one. I’m the same way which has made the exhaustion of pregnancy that much harder to deal with.
me? but don’t cheat and say “boobs” as one of the three.
that’s *my* job!
He said it! Not me! (I wouldn’t list something transitory as the reason I like you anyway. That’s cheating. I may think they are awesome while they are here, but I’ll like you just as much when they go away.)
1) I like that you are a kick-ass-and-take-names sort of chica.
2) I like that you are still willing to put up with me despite the ups and downs over the years. I haven’t always made it easy for you to be my friend, and yet you still love me. Yay!
3) I like that you can make holy shit tasty brussel sprouts. I didn’t know that was possible.
Will you like me even if I don’t post this in my LJ?
1) I like that you are motivated enough to follow through on your political ideals where most people are too lazy.
2) I like that you keep up with a crazy-huge extended network of friends. That takes effort. I’m not *quite* as good, but I have a big enough network to appreciate the amount of effort and time you put into it.
3) I like that you are willing to try most anything. It’s unusual.
The real question I have- do you still like me after I ditched out on you so often lately? I’m really sorry about that, by the way.
You are far from the only flake in my life. Hopefully you will forgive me for the fact that at this point when you say you are coming I tell Noah, “That means he isn’t coming.”
1) I like that you are uber-hot with short hair *and* long hair. Few people can pull off both and I’m shallow enough to drool over it.
2) I like that you are enthusiastic about things. It’s nice to be around someone so freakin bouncy and happy.
3) I like your snuggling. You are very comfortable.
You are completely forgiven. When are you moving? It seems that I no living bicycle distance from you! This week is crazyfuckingnuts, but maybe next week or sometime later I can prove to you that I’m not always a total flake
And, of course, many thanks for the compliments:)
I’ll believe it when I see it.
Oh, you are SO on!
Course I loves you!
1) I like how you snuggle. I always feel enveloped and engulfed in loves.
2) I like that you know lots of things I don’t in areas completely unrelated to what everyone else I know knows. It’s rare for me to find people who are really different in their knowledge base and I think it is totally awesome.
3) I like that you took in a dog that scares the shit out of me and you loved him soooo much that he became a sweet and wonderful animal. That shows that you are a good person. Not everyone can do that.
Please. I could use it.
1) I like that you pursue your ideals and stay true to them even when it fucking hurts. I’m not sure I’m as brave.
2) I like that you are not willing to be pushed to the back of the bus and tolerate the marginalization society would like to give you.
3) I like that you *get* me in a way that other people just don’t. I need it.
yes, please. (and I’ll finish filling mine in, one of these days)
S’all good.
1) I like how you take care of people. It seems so natural for you.
2) I like that when I think, “Oh! I should tell Sarah!” most of the time you already know whatever it is I want to tell you. It’s bizarre, but comforting.
3) I like how you have more adventures than the average 100 people combined.
Sure. I could use it today.
1) I like that you are so obvious with your emotions. You wear them on your sleeve even when you think you are being subtle.
2) I really love that you gave your kids a safe word. I had never thought about the fact that kids rarely have the option of having ultimate control over what happens to them and you showed me that. Thank you.
3) I like that you are getting better about boundaries. You are starting to say when you don’t want something or when things are too much. I think that is awesome.
Love ya’! *Hugs*
(Sometimes, I’m sure it’s nice to hear that from us, too.)
Don’t worry baby, I’m getting my ego stroked too.
1) I like your hugs. You are such an amazing hugger.
2) I like your enthusiasm and bounciness. Most large men have consciously held that in because they can seem intimidating and you don’t. It’s great.
Sure, I’m game, even though I don’t think you even actually know three things about me.
1) I like that you are good at being very precise in your arguments. You don’t miss a single flippin detail. (Sometimes this is annoying, mostly it is admirable.)
2) I like that you are still trying for what you want in a relationship when most people give up and spend their time whining and saying, “Poor me.”
3) I like that you were willing to try talking to me again and didn’t continue to write me off as an annoying kid.
You got me ;-> And thanks for the kind comments.
Curiosity gets the best of me…
1) Amusingly, you have been one of the more dependable people in my life in the past few years. I’m not sure I actually need to say that I like that, but I will.
2) I like that you were not willing to stop being my friend because a potential partner said less than polite things about me.
3) I like how shameless you are about the things you like/want. It’s neat.
Though I am also in that bowl of flakes, I hope you still love me … (I’m afraid I may have disappointed you one time too many, recently).
Heh, you are not in the category of flake that our boy up there is. He has been impressive…
1) I like that you see needs around you work to fill them. Most people won’t do that.
2) I like that you study people and human processes. Instead of making assumptions about how people work you go do research on it.
3) I like that you are willing to take advice at least as much as you give it.
I wanna know what you like about me!
1) I like that you are sassy.
2) “But why Ryoko? Why?”
3) I like that you are doing a better job of navigating the muddy waters of being a teenager than I did. You seem like a stronger person than I managed to be at your age.
-pokes- C’mon, gimme some love! ^_^
(Hehe, just now catching up on your posts. X_x Been busy as of late.)
I come give loves now.
I like you because you represent a me who hasn’t been completely fucked up by life. We have a lot in common and I would like to think that who you are is closer to how I would have been if my childhood had been less traumatic. (It’s self-involved, but true.)
I like that you have the courage to pursue what you are into.
I like that you are honest about being intellectually lazy. Denial is way overrated.
Awwwwes, you put a happy face on my heart. ^_^
As for laziness: I was going to put forth some effort to try and fix that but my procrastinating side kept putting it off for later.
<3 you!