That’s that.

My work email was shut off today. Guess I won’t be looking at it again. Oh well.

Current countdowns:
Con begins in: 14 days. Woof. Are we ready?
I have 13 more class sessions left on my MA. No pressure.
The comp exam for my MA is in: 9 weeks. I need to freakin read more. Stupid poetry.
The kid is due in: roughly 16 weeks.

It’s really interesting to be aware that once I finish the con, the MA, and have the kid I’m not on any time schedules for anything. We want to move to PA as soon as is reasonable, but we don’t have a firm date on this. We want this house sold soon, but there isn’t a mandatory date. I’m going to be just sort of floating in space. I don’t think I have had that in my life before. I have had periods where I knew I didn’t have to do anything for a month or two before the grind started again, but I have no grind to look forward to.

Holy shit.

8 thoughts on “That’s that.

  1. i_am_dsh

    Caring for a newborn is demanding. In baby time, there’s only NOW.
    Don’t discount that, even if you’re not going to call it a grind.

    Moving to PA, when you do it, then setting up the new household, is also demanding.

    You can do it, of course.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Newborns are incredibly demanding, yes. They don’t stay newborn long. Then their needs become a bit more flexible. (Still not *that* flexible.) And the needs are harder to predict and grind towards. You aren’t working on the same thing constantly, you are responding in the moment. It’s not a predictable stress in the same way.

      And setting up a household is very lax in comparison. It can get done… whenever. If it takes me a year to unpack it will take a year. There is stuff to do, but not a grind or pressure.

  2. mollena

    “No grind to look forward to”. Wow.

    Every one of the people I know with new squidlets is pretty much doing anything but not grinding….I’ma keep reading and see if, in 16 weeks, the no grind to look forward to paradigm is still in place. Or if you are even still blogging at all, or spending your time either sleeping or watching your baby with eyes full of wonder and exhaustion 😉

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Re: “No grind to look forward to”. Wow.

      I will point out that there is a big difference between not-blogging because I am spending time with my kid and blogging isn’t an interesting draw and not-blogging because I am so insanely busy I *can’t*.

      Actually, I don’t think I have ever been so busy I can’t. I just stop reading other people then. 🙂

      1. mollena

        Re: “No grind to look forward to”. Wow.

        That makes sense…sometimes weeks can go by when I am forgetful to read blogs but will cough up a few hairballs to post 🙂

      2. rbus

        Re: “No grind to look forward to”. Wow.

        even mine?!!?!!?!
        you stop reading *my* blog??!?!?!?!

        how can this reality
        revolve around my ass
        as it is supposed to?

        dear me,
        you fiddle with the fate of the universe, grrl.


  3. teamnoir

    As I understand these things, which is distant having not gone through them myself, it may well be a few months after having a kid before you even notice any drift.

  4. freakmonkey1

    Hehe, get ready to be nice and sleep-deprived once the wee one comes. Being that the newborn chitlin’ never seem to have a good awareness of time of day, you’ll probably be getting up multiple times in the night if you even sleep at all for the first few days. If you’re used to getting more than five hours of sleep at a time, prepare to do without. And get very friendly with quick catnaps. ^_^



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