I have to confess. It’s terrible. It’s horrible.
I like Rick RollAstley. Guess he has a real name…
Ok, I feel better for admitting it.
I have to confess. It’s terrible. It’s horrible.
I like Rick RollAstley. Guess he has a real name…
Ok, I feel better for admitting it.
You mean Rickrolling? Or Rick Astley?
No… I like the song… I go listen to it on purpose…
Yup, that’s Rick Astley.
It’s rather embarrassing to admit to what degree this phrase has entered my daily life. Bank closed before I got there? Rickrolled! Person with the blinker didn’t turn? Rickrolled!
That usually means I have to explain to people why I’m prone to shouting “Rickrolled” at random occasions:P
mmkay, child of the ’80’s is missing context.
do ppl send ppl to this vid as a “sucka!” kind of thing?
j’ne comprends pas.
Here, check out the wikipedia entry.
Yeah, it’s kinda like that.
I mean that with the utmost affection and respect.
Get it now?
*hugs* Gotcha!
I want to send people to “You can call me Al” by Paul Simon instead. he deserves a little traffic.
I have this song on MP3. I will send it to you. I have two other Rick Astley songs too.
i am unsure if i can keep reading your posts.
the horror!
the horror!
Okay, I don’t get it. What’s “rick rolling?”
I suck at embedding url’s, but if you come back to the thread, ribbin explains.
Me, too
Oh, gosh – I love that song!
I may even still have the single of it around here somewhere…on tape…which I can still play in my car.
Shit! I just realized who that goon reminds me of! Alfred E. Newman!!
I seriously thought about not clicking through. Then I realized I wouldn’t be upset if you were Rickrolling me.
Nah, see, I already did it to Liz higher up. Doing it twice in the same thread is just lame.
and we’ll just ignore the maturity level of doing it the first time, shall we?
But doesn’t that guy look JUST like Alfred?
Hahaha, now I’m listening to 80’s music. What have you done??
lollercakes. It’s so addictively 80’s POP! (PS: Aaron loves to sing this song to me [very out of key, might I add] while we wait for BART or various other public transit vehicles to whisk us away. Sometimes entertaining and cute, most of the time draws out the fist-to-the-face feelings inside me.)