Just another day in paradise.

Our only concession to VD was to give one another silly cards. Technically, I do this randomly sometimes so it isn’t that big of a stretch. He did bring home flowers, but…. he does that every so often too. (I REALLY like getting flowers, so he probably does it in the neighborhood of once a month.)

We had pizza bites for dinner. I made brownies so we had brownies a la mode for dessert. We danced around the living room when silly music came on. I won my first game of Monopoly ever!!! (I’m kind of excited about this. I *always* lose.)

It’s probably time to call it a night so we can rest up for the long, long, long……. weekend. 🙂 Hope to see lots of people this weekend! Maybe I’ll even be in a good mood! Offer me food. 🙂 I like chips and chocolate right now. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Just another day in paradise.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Re: chips

      Everything you just mentioned represents a broader food palate than I have right now. 🙂 I eat cool ranch Dorito’s ad bbq Lay’s. 🙂

  1. rbus

    won your first game of monopoly?


    i’ve played that damned game
    for more then 35 years
    and have yet to even come close
    to looking like i might have a chance
    of winning !

    my daughter once out-lasted me
    in that stinking game
    when she was 8 years old!


    make you


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