I’m tired. I’m tired how I usually am after several days of really serious sleep deprivation and that is just not the case. The Lizard is draining the life out of me. I’m going to find a way to come in a little later tomorrow or I may not make it till Monday.
It is going well so far. 60/over 100 people showed up last night and enjoyed the first night. It was a good crowd. It was awesome getting to see people I don’t see often. Cons always remind me that no–really I’m part of this extended community. It’s really cool.
Two sucky things though. Miss Bre got sick and can’t be here. Miss Julia is not here. Julia has been at most of the cons I have been at in the past few years and I miss her fiercely. *sigh* Can’t have everything I want. But really, if the absence of these two is the worst stuff about the con, I will get through.
Thanks for posting this note. I’ve been curious about how it’s going. Sounds like you’ve had a good start. Also glad to hear how you’re doing, ‘cuz I was wondering about that, too. I know how draining this kind of thing can be when it’s happening in a non-pregnant body, so … yeah. Glad to see you’re both having a good time and taking care of yourself. Hope the rest of your weekend remains good, too.
“The Lizard is draining the life out of me. “
Welcome to the next twenty years. :->
Heh …. aren’t you being a little overly optimistic with that estimate?