Went to the midwife today. Uhm, only two weeks late. I’m measuring at 30 weeks. Uhm, I’m only 26 weeks. Looks like I may be getting another ultrasound cause this kidlet may be bigger than earlier believed. It’s important to have as accurate as possible of a due date because if the kid comes more than two weeks early then it is a mandatory hospital birth. So! If my due date is really a week or so earlier than I think right now then I should hurry the freak up and get stuff done at school.
The head is down. Heartbeat is still way fast (girl?). She wants me to start eating food 4-5 times a day. She’s not thrilled that I’m not eating much. But I’m not hungry. I’m up about 7 pounds. I’m three days away from the third trimester.
Have I mentioned that the Lizard has/had the hiccups? It feels neat. I was wondering what that feeling was…
Ye olde intarweb tells me that at 26 weeks:
By this week, your baby’s crown-to-rump length is approximately 9.2 inches. Remember, that is only from the top of his head to his bottom and does not include his leg measurements! Your baby weighs almost 2 pounds and is beginning to put on weight. Your uterus is about 2.5 inches above your bellybutton and you will continue to grow approximately 1 cm each week. If you have been eating a well-balanced diet, you probably have gained about 16-22 pounds so far. Because your baby has moved further up, you may get occasional pain underneath your ribs.
After a month of having his eyelids sealed shut, your baby begins to open his eyes again this week. Your baby’s eyes are almost completely developed. Your baby’s eyes are blue in the womb and may change colors later in life. This is true for all races because the pupils do not have their final color until a few months after birth. However, some babies are born with darker or lighter shades of blue. Your growing baby will continue to put on layers of fat until he is born. He is still lean at this point of the pregnancy though. By the time your baby is born, he will assume the typical newborn’s plumpness. Your baby’s skin will still be wrinkled and red, but the fat continues to fill the skin out.
Finger and toe nails continue to grow.
Blood vessels start to develop in the lungs to prepare the baby for life outside the uterus.
Your baby’s blood circulation is completely functional. The umbilical cord system continues to grow and thicken as blood travels with considerable force through the body to nurture the baby. The placenta is now almost equal in size to the baby.
Even though it is still way too soon for your baby to be born yet, the chance of survival without severe abnormalities is now 70% provided it is born in a hospital.
how are you about soups?
I find that even when nauseated and just not hungry I can still drink. I’ve been dealing with that a lot the last few weeks, lots of cravings for odd foods — like captain crunch which I don’t think I’ve eaten in like 15 years but the other day I ate a whole box and nothing else for 2 days, or getting nauseated when I just look at things that are actually my favorite foods (imagine me not able to ech sushi). But still, got to eat, so I’ve been living on soups when I can’t stomach anything else
So stuff like cream of tomato, butternut squash, chicken soup, etc.
If drinking can help you sneak some food/nutrition into your system, don’t forget homemade smoothies. Fruit, dairy, a little soft tofu for protein, all sorts of combinations and textures available. Over summers, I’m less than interested in real food when it’s hot outside, but I can often convince myself to have a smoothie of some sort, or freeze it solid and eat it like ice cream.
One of the pregnancy books we had had these great to-scale drawings to follow along with. I loved those! There were also tiny hand and feet drawings, too!
FWIW, I only gained 22 lbs each time and most of that at the end. Number one child was born Jan 22. On Christmas Day, I was still barfing.
I’ve only actually thrown up like five times during the whole pregnancy. I’m just not hungry and queasy feeling.
I like the drawings.
They have full on pictures on the web. It’s really cool. I could gain more than 20 at this point. I’ll just have to get with the eatin’. 
Glad things are going well!
BTW- I’m not sure how much I would trust a site that tells you it is the pupil of the eye that will change color.
That bugged me a bit, too.
My baby was born with grey eyes, and they’ve settled to hazel – grey around the outside, brown/gold/green rays in the middle.
Yeah, and I corrected typos before I reposted as well.
I don’t trust them for anything important.
Lizard? laawls.
say you’re taking prenatal vitamins?
the baby will suck the life outta you if you don’t.
my kids were born at the point you are right now.
I’ve been taking prenatal vitamins since before I went off birth control. I’m all responsible like. The baby *is* sucking the life out of me.
Oof. That’s a bit scary. I am trying to comfort myself with “they are twins and twins always come early”.
Very scary though. Don’t want Lizard to hatch yet!
hooray for responsible like that!
in uteri is the place to be.
for sure, for sure.