If I have to tell you this isn’t safe for work you should be taunted unmercifully. Just saying.
What I don’t understand is how I have gotten so big and I’ve gained a little less than seven pounds. I’m a fucking butterball. Where did it come from?!
odds are some of your fat got converted into baby. If you had been 110 lb and only gained 7 I’d worry, you were carrying a nice healthy surplus engergy for baby to draw from.
My kids ate my weight. In the first trimester, I lost weight, like ten pounds. I ended up only gaining like ten pounds of me weight by the end of it. My muscle composition changed, but because I was using different muscles. Same could be happening for you.
By the by, absolutely lovely, you look like images of a mother goddess.
At my lowest I lost I think 7 lbs. So I’m 14 lbs up from the lowest I got to. I think you are right and that is what the kidlet is doing. It’s weird because I can’t tell where most of the weight is *leaving* so it’s weird to see it all arrive in the belly.
odds are some of your fat got converted into baby. If you had been 110 lb and only gained 7 I’d worry, you were carrying a nice healthy surplus engergy for baby to draw from.
It is neato!
you do look lovely :o)
Thank you.
Honey, you look fan-TAS-tic!
I’m finding it interesting how the rest of my body is changing. My face is less round. I look more like a grown up.
Thank you!
My kids ate my weight. In the first trimester, I lost weight, like ten pounds. I ended up only gaining like ten pounds of me weight by the end of it. My muscle composition changed, but because I was using different muscles. Same could be happening for you.
By the by, absolutely lovely, you look like images of a mother goddess.
Thank you. Chris is doing a great job.
Man, you sure repurpose good!
Looking fabulous. Such a beautiful thing to watch. Thank you for sharing!
Awwww! ::squee::
Thanks for sharing these.
You’re welcome!
Yay! I was just thinking last night that it had been awhile since we’d had any lizard tummy pictures.
You are absolutely beautiful, by the way. And beatific, too.
I think I have been told that I am beautiful more often while pregnant than I have total in the rest of my life. It’s interesting.
Aww, you look gorgeous!
Thank you!
Yay thanks for pictures!
i think you may be pregnant.