good and bad news.

My therapist hasn’t been doing so well lately health wise. She just took two weeks off trying to get a handle on it but this much time hasn’t been enough. So she is going on hiatus for a bit until she can get things to a better place. She told me that she had totally expected me to be as supportive as I was, which made me smile. She told me that I could see a replacement person for a while if I needed to but I said that I would just wait until she was better again cause I’m real fussy about who I talk to. Her response:

“Yeah, and you have just about the best support network I’ve ever seen. I don’t actually worry about you.”

I like that even my therapist knows how much my friends rock.

1 thought on “good and bad news.

  1. mollena

    I hope she is more better soon.

    This kind of reminds me of how it was the running joke that August was the most insane month of the year in NYC because it was batguano insane hot AND the therapists all took holiday. You can well imagine a million or so uncouched NooYawkers in the hear fizzing madly. Good times.

    Here’s to her speedy recovery!

    AND to you having good people in your life. You made it happen.


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