I was finally told that the organizers don’t want me involved with Camp Everytown this year. They have a good reason. I don’t blame them. Rejection still hurts. It’s awesome to be reminded again how unsuitable my background makes me for things that are no big deal for other people.
This also means that when Noah is off next weekend at all day classes I will be on my own.
Not unless KATJA comes to the rescue on a train!
Woo wooooo!
True that. I suppose that is indeed the answer. Would you prefer Saturday or Sunday?
Is this the tolerance conference you went to last year?
That’s the one.
That’s some good tolerance they’ve got going on there.
I really don’t get how having a difficult background would make you UNsuitable for such a thing. I’d imagine you’d be even MORE suitable.
But then maybe you weren’t jonesin’ to go anyway, and time with friends will be good for ya.
They don’t want grown ups going who will have to actually process shit because then the grown ups aren’t 100% focused on the kids. I’m not angry about the decision, it just feels sad.
I understand why they made the decision they did, but I think it’s shortsighted of them. Yes, it is important that the facilitators be able to give support and attention to the kids, but the sort of strong reaction you had to the experience last time can only have made it a more powerful and memorable experience for the children.
Any grown up who is not processing their shit on a regular basis … including an experience like this …. is not the best person to mentor and model these behaviors to others. (my opinion)
I do think your attending could have been complicated and harder than for some … but I agree that there is a loss to the program in leaving you out.
I wish you could come do CampEverytown with me, and we could be 15 again.

hehe. oh goodness, maybe we should just play summer camp instead.
You are hawt.
Yeah, I get that one. One of the weeks that I assisted tantra class, as head assstant, one of the other three assistants spent most of the week deep in her own process and wan’t really available for the work of assisting.
I still like her. And I can understand how stuff can come up unexpectedly, but at the same time I also feel that it was ill planned on her part.
I don’t know anything about this event, but if it has the same sort of facilitator/participant division, then I can understand too. And empathize with you as well.
Yeah, it is like that. I understand their reaction. Rejection sucks anyway.
I’m… I’m not hella impressed with their decision.
I’m not thrilled, but I get it.
After the oh so lovely experience you had last time, I’m surprised you’d want to be involved.
I have kids going this year who asked me if I would be there. They wanted to share the experience with me and I was willing to go for their sake.
Is it possible to go as a kid? /semi-serious.
But I’m so olllllld.
crash the event
and then
fake like your water broke,
or something.
that’d bring everyone together in a real fuck of a big hurry!