I sing songs that I learned in church pretty often. Pretty much only when I’m alone though. I wonder if my kids will want to learn them/sing them with me and I wonder what message they will actually get from them. I wonder if my kids will turn into devout atheists like Noah or if they will have a weird, hard to quantify but definite belief in the Divine the way I do. Or… weirder still… will my kids become actual Honest-to-Gawd Christians?
i sing hymns all the time.
never made much of a difference to my kids.
Well, I also intend to read to my kids from the bible because I think that knowing the major stories is part of a well rounded western education. You simply don’t understand big swaths of literature if you don’t know anything about the bible.
my kids went to sunday skool long enough to learn the basics.
spouse and i taught the class, in fact.
but me and orgasmized religion don’t get along too well.
never have.
as a small child i lacked faith.
and i’ve not gained any as i’ve aged.
don’t believe in an intelligent designer.
can’t figure there’s a higher power.
am unsure of an afterlife.
i try to maintain a fair and reasonable life.
because that, in and of itself, is laudable.
do it to secure a better address in the hereafter?
seems nothing but pure hubris.
What’s your AIM, by the way? I think you said you had it.. well, anyways, my SN is: stoolpigeonn
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