So uhhh I have had a rather rocky few days. I’ve been really emotional and sad and punchy and difficult to deal with. By and large my friends have been really supportive. I’m glad that I mostly have my friends trained to not tell me to look on the bright side and instead they pat me on the head and validate my feelings. I really appreciate that. Noah is the best husband ever. Even though it was pretty obvious near the end that he was getting frazzled and wore out he was really supportive and awesome. He never put down what I was feeling or told me that I should get over it. (Even when maybe I should.) And so in the end when that string of feeling really fussy and unhappy got worked through I don’t feel bad about having gone through it. I’m pregnant and largely at the mercy of hormones. I have friends and a husband who love me and tolerate my moods. My life is really good.
And then I went and got a pretty neat rocker today from . Too bad I left the cushion at her house. Guess I’ll have to see if anyone up in the east bay wants to see me sometime this week so I can make the drive multi-purpose.
I love seeing you become more comfortable with loving YOU – all parts and moods of you. I aspire to follow your example.
I’m home safe, and in one piece, just so you don’t worry about me! But I bet you’re sleepin’ like a baaby. And I had a blast today!
Thanks for dinner and my first time ever hanging out with a pregnant lady. :]