Saw my midwife for my 31 week appointment today. We got to talk about a lot of different things. Have I mentioned that having a midwife is far superior to having a doctor? We sit around and chat about all the things I have been obsessing about and she is completely relaxed about everything. She gives me gentle coaxing about stuff that I should still work on (eating more vegetables [but they taste bad!] and exercising) but if I tell her that I really believe I am doing the best I can do she doesn’t pressure me or make me feel bad. Go midwife!
We talked about the possibility of laboring in our hot tub but reached the conclusion that the actual birth should probably happen in the birthing tub because you push lots of gross stuff out during birth and that’s not so awesome for the hot tub. It’s also harder to catch the baby in deep water and it’s harder to get out before the placenta comes. (She strongly recommends getting out before the placenta comes.) Seems reasonable and prudent so we will probably treat that as Plan A.
I’m up four pounds in the last two weeks. She thinks this is fabulous. I have a teeny tiny smidgin of societal guilt over gaining four pounds in two weeks, but mostly I think it is awesome. Maybe I will make it to 20 lbs after all. All of my blood work came back as ridiculously healthy. Go me. Not even close to being diabetic. I’m still sorta barely close to being anemic, but when you are pregnant you technically move over on the spectrum and for a pregnant chick I’m doing great. w00t.
I’m still measuring a week big which is completely consistent for me. We talked about the fact that ultrasound due dates aren’t necessarily accurate, but neither are last period date due dates. So we looked at the calendar and decided that as long as the kid is still feeling big (which it is) it will be ok for me to do a homebirth anytime after April 25th. Because of due date wackiness that is a full month earlier than the ultrasound due date. That’s uhh 4 1/2 weeks away. Holy shit. That’s like, fucking soon. Given that the head is engaged in the pelvis already it’s kind of nerve wracking to think about–but in that ecstatically excited sort of nerve wracking way. I’M GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!! It’s kind of funny that it is only really hitting me in stages.
Wow. This is so cool.
that’s not so awesome for the hot tub
Not sure if you’d be interested in discussing such things with someone else who has helped with similar styles of birth, but helped with one in her hottub (planned that way) years ago and might be useful to talk to her.
Feel free to use info as you see fit, even if that’s by ignoring it completely.
Good luck, and yay to you for taking such good care of yourself.
Thanks for the pointer.
I honestly think that midwife is right in that neither Noah nor I want to deal with cleaning up all the uhm stuff that happens during actual birth. 
I mean… I have a high squick factor and all but… ew.
Dude, You’re Getting a Baby!™
“Given that the head is engaged in the pelvis already “
Wow. My Kidlet didn’t engage until during labor. Every pregnancy is different.
Your little one could end up sharing a birthday, 23 April, with my Kidlet – I hope not, actually, so that you get the birth experience you want.
It actually seriously freaked me out when the midwife told me that the head was pretty well engaged. Especially cause she told me that two weeks ago. That’s part of why I pushed her to talk about “earliest date she would deliver at home.” I’m having some pretty serious contractions and they go on for a while. I understand that “practice labor” is normal, but I really don’t think there is a high chance that I will make it to the original May 25th date. eek.
I hope that they don’t end up with the same birth date just because that would involve a trip to the hospital. Though that would be cool.
April 25th is actually the birthdate of my oldest friend.
E is not a big veggie eater either, but when I roast them he enjoys them. It works on all root vegetables and all cruciferous vegetables — especially good with brussels sprouts or cauliflower — I’ll eat cauliflower done this way like popcorn.
All you do is cut the veggies up into chunks of 1″ or so (for brussels sprouts, cut ’em in half). Then toss them with some good olive oil and some kosher salt or seasoned salt. Spread them out fairly widely on a cookie sheet and roast them in a 375-degree oven for about half an hour, tossing them once or twice, or until they’ve turned golden brown around the edges. This treatment brings out the sugar in the vegetable and makes it sweet and crunchy and salty and altogether yummy.
Otherwise it sounds like you’re doing great. Congrats!!
I described that to Noah and we both think it sounds tasty. I will be giving that a shot soon.
keeping happy thoughts going your direction so that everything goes as close to plan as possible….
The Lizard is Coming! The Lizard is Near!
I’m so happy for you – it makes me cry.
No crying! There’s no crying in baseball! Errr…. wait…
OMG that is so cool!
I totally hear you about the societal weight gain guilt thing. I’m still stunned at how much weight I’ve gained in such a short amount of time!
*nod* I actually am in a weird place because I haven’t gained much overall so people are pressuring me in that direction. I feel like I can’t win.
I’m trying to not let it bother me much. I am impressed by my incredibly morphing body and Noah still thinks I’m hot. Does anyone else’s opinion really matter? 
[Seems like you are in about the same spot. Yay!]
People can sit and spin on their opinions, as far as I’m concerned!
My husband is thrilled at my morphing body too, especially when the baby squirms enough so he can feel it!
Dude. Just wait. At this point sometimes the baby moving around pokes a noticeable bump out of my abdomen and then it travels a distance before disappearing again. I feel like a shark is surfacing briefly.
You can *see* the waves from across the room if I don’t have clothes on. So cool.
Wow. You should call it Jaws!
I forget, have you found out the gender yet?
Not finding out.
That’s awesome. I remember having this conversation before actually…
Damn pregnant brain!
high five for not diabetic. I had a blood test recently because I was having issues with food. I felt totally betrayed by it. BUt I feel better, and Im not hypothyroid or diabetic. I’m a little anemic. Go you, your not even anemic.