So there’s this guy. We’ve had a weird/complicated on/off thing for years. I was fairly interested in pursuing him more seriously but he was never in the right place in his life for a relationship so we had sporadic dates. It was nice anyway. He’s a neat person. It was awesome finding out that after not seeing one another for 18 months we met up again and the connection was still there. (This happened a while ago.) He was starting to casually date someone else and after a couple of times of seeing me told her that he couldn’t commit to monogamy because there was this girl…(me). Yay!
Anyway. We fell out of touch again (as we are prone to do) but I saw him on okcupid’s quickmatch about two weeks ago. I grinned and rated him highly but didn’t try to contact him. Lo-and-behold he sees my profile a few days later, rates me really highly as well and sends me an email. He’s thrilled that I am pregnant and wants to know more about the out of state move in the works. At this point going out on a date isn’t an option, but it’s nice to know that he still notices me and thinks highly of me. Yay!
I’m going to grin like an idiot for a while, I can tell.
*smiles* Nice, isn’t it?
*So* nice.
Yay for random ego strokes