We went down to Monterey on Saturday. The day didn’t go how I expected, but it was good anyway. I got to walk on the beach and that was mostly what I was jonesing for.
I haven’t called Katie cause I suck. I know it.
Because of weird holiday-ness I don’t have class tonight so I effectively get two full weeks off from school. This is nice because I don’t want to work and this is bad because it lets me procrastinate on the seminar papers I need to write. Erf.
Today I will go help Miss Jenny pack. Sometimes you just need a little help from your friends. I asked Noah if he was comfortable with me going because I would probably be pretty physical. He’s been very concerned about me not pushing myself too far cause I tend to do that sort of thing physically. Though not this pregnancy. Man am I a slug.
I like to complain. I know this about myself. The thing is–I don’t have much to complain about these days. This is totally awesome on one hand, but it means that I am bitching about stupid shit. Like the fact that I have only gained 12 lbs, but I am still to the point where I have outgrown most of the fucking maternity clothes. I am feeling quite fussy that maternity clothes makers claim that you should keep buying your pre-pregnancy size. BULLSHIT!!!! Right now I am wearing size 18 in maternity clothes. Only it’s hard to bloody *find* size 18 maternity clothes. Maybe I just have no clue where to look? That’s up two full god damn sizes from normal. I don’t understand. And my belly is big enough that my midwife is commenting that I look full term. WTF?! WHERE IS IT COMING FROM?!?!! I’m very confused. And I’m carrying really low. So the “below the belly” maternity pants cut in the middle of the belly and hurt. So I’m rolling them down. This leads to lots of clothing-malfunction-anxiety. Mostly I’m wearing mens XXL pajama bottoms. And feeling like a cow. It’s awesome.
(It’s worth pointing out that I don’t mind being the size I am. I mind that in order to be comfortable I am wearing the ugliest, most shapeless clothing made. I would really appreciate it if I could still wear something cute once in a while. I have some dresses, but then I need to shave my legs [sorry, American guilt is in full force here] and that’s a pain in the ass. And WTF is up with most maternity dresses being above the knee?!?!! Haven’t the fucking clothing makers noticed that I CAN’T CLOSE MY FLIPPIN LEGS ANYMORE!?!?!?!)
I think I’m done now.
As one who began pregnancies on the large end, I found Japanese weekend stretch knit clothes worked. I especially liked the slung under the waist pants. YMMV.
Also: try Target
Target is where I tried on every pair of maternity pants and every pair of exercise pants in the store that were vaguely near a size I thought I could wear. I left with two pairs of mens pajama bottoms. In size XXL.
Once again: Folkwear Patterns. Prairie wives didn’t have the option of special clothes for pregnancy; those prairie dresses work for pregnancy, nursing, and comfortable streetwear afterward. Honest, I wore ’em for years; they’re comfortable, practical and easy to make. If you make it ankle-length you don’t even need to shave (unless your ankles are really hairy, which mine aren’t/weren’t, and even then you can always wear a pair of low boots). Pattern #201, the Prairie Dress, at http://www.folkwear.com. What you can’t see from the drawing is that below the buttoned yoke, in the front seam, there’s a long slit that’s concealed in the folds of the dress and that’s ideal for nursing.
I had one in fine-wale corduroy, one in fleece, one in white cotton with a fancy weave (dressed up with a black grosgrain ribbon at the throat I even got away with wearing it for dressy occasions), and a few more that I can’t remember — those three were the ones I wore most. I also made a couple of them in tunic length to wear over slacks or a skirt (maternity ones during pregnancy and regular ones afterward). And believe me, I was *huge* — Miles in particular was a big baby and went two weeks past term, and I’m not very tall; I gained 40+ lbs. with each pregnancy.
Yes, they’re shapeless, but they’re not ugly, particularly if you use a soft flow-y fabric like muslin or lightweight cotton. They’re graceful in a kind of Laura Ashley way, if you’re old enough to remember Laura Ashley. I usually left off the little ruffle around the collar because I’m not a ruffly person, even when pregnant.
PS. Ben’s coming tomorrow or Wednesday to help me with this work crunch, so if you haven’t gotten up here by then I’ll send him down to Fremont with your cushion.
Yeah, I haven’t made it that far north and I don’t think I will be able to.
I’d be willing to guess that Angelbob would be willing to shave your legs for you. It’s kinda fun getting comfy on a bed covered with towels, a can of shaving cream, and a razor.
You’ve possibly found this (and it’s not great), but since I’ve done the searching, figured I’d share:
Also, cause I know you’re kinda OCD and might enjoy it:
Kind of OCD?
That second website looks cool.
I actually ended up with some maternity clothes from a friend today. I may make it through the end!
Well, y’know, I think it looks *awesome* which is always an indicator.
Hee hee, pregnant bellies sure come in all shapes, I have another friend who’s also somewhere in the 30+ weeks complaining because she can still fit into her business pants.
do they arrest nekked pregnant wymyns for just walking around?
Uhhhh…. probably. Depends on if you leave the house.
sports bra and pj bottoms?
pj tops
a thong?