Shoved together because I feel like sharing and such and multiple posts that are short aren’t necessary.
Puff (my ten year old rescued feral cat–I rescued her from a rain storm when she was about three weeks old) had to have teeth extracted yesterday. Her gums were really infected and the whole situation was just not pretty. She normally cries the whole time she is in the car and on the way home from the vet I just couldn’t bear to hear her cry in the carrier so I took her out and held her in my lap. That was a good decision because she looked around a lot but didn’t cry or squirm or anything. She’s been pretty clingy and lovey since she got home. She had been really clingy and lovey before the extraction so I think she does need/want love and support while in pain which is unusual for a cat. What I’m finding particularly amusing is that we are up to the third time for giving her medication already (pain meds and an antibiotic). She came right up to me the third time when I got out the medicine stuff. She isn’t squirming much past not wanting to open her mouth. (It might still be sore enough that she just doesn’t really want to open it.) She is not resisting physically at all. I wonder if my cat is enjoying those pain meds a wee bit more than she ought?
Nah. Go her.
Random links I have found recently that I have been reading and thinking about:
Makes me think of something.
When I was living with John, the Buddhist guy, I had this cat called tippy that had belong to a friend of my brothers whose kid was diagnosed as allergic so she needed to find the cat a new home. However, the mom basically just came and dropped it off and left, and made no attempt or was at all concerned to ease the transition.
So, this cat hated us. I’m fairly convinced she blamed us for ripping her from her home or some such. Later John and I discovered that a neighbor’s cat was having kittens and we got 2. Tippy hated the kittens. A few weeks pass and its time for the two boy kittens to be fixed and such, and Tippy herself was overdue for some testing so we dropped all 3 off at the vets for a few days.
We first picked up Tippy, as her stay would be shorter, and when we got her home she was loving and affectionate and clingy, crawling into laps, following us around. We actually called up the vet and asked if there was a chance she was on some sort of drug or something cause this was not normal behavior for our cat.
“No, she’s sober. Best I can figure is Tippy seemed to REALLY hate being here. Maybe she got it into her head that she was being abandoned again but to here with all the dogs and other cats, and has decided that your apartment really is a much better place to be and that you guys are a much better option over us.”
She stayed friendly like that, although was a bit snippy when she realized that kittens were also coming back, till I had leave the country and she became the departmental cat for my dad’s office (which had a whole house to itself — NU has over the years bought up houses on the edge of campus and turned them into university departments), and later when one of the girls working there decided to adopt her.
Oh, realized I should add she was very friendly and ok with being moved to being the department cat, etc.
Heh. Maybe as long as it was a Place With No Dogs, she decided it was better than That Place.
I feel the same way. Dogs are so not my species.