I just can’t get my head going to write these papers. I know I need to. I know that the earlier I do it the better because who knows when the Lizard will be arriving. I just can’t find focus. I’ve done the research. I’ve done more fucking research (as a procrastinating method) than I have done on any paper ever. I just cn’t figure out how to say what I want to say. I write so much better when I’m under pressure and that is terrible of me.
This is why I didn’t come down on students too hard for last minute papers unless they were obviously bad. If you can write well at the last minute, go you. If you can’t then you need the lead time for planning and editing. Me, I write best at the last minute. But it increases my stress way more than is good. Erf. Fuck it. I’m taking a bath.
A trick that Dossie uses on me over and over again is to prompt me into sort of freeform babbling about whatever it is I’m trying to say. (I’m never quite sure how she does the prompting, but she’s good at it.) If I babble for long enough, eventually something terrific tumbles out of my mouth, she makes a note of it, and then I can write. I never know she’s doing this until I see her make the note.
Can you get Noah or someone to just sit and listen while you talk in a general way about your topic and what you’re trying to say about it? It works just as well, maybe even better, if the listener doesn’t know much about the topic, because that way you don’t shortcut across the foundation-type thinking. Often if you’re stuck it’s because there’s a crack in the foundation somewhere, and when you find it, all of a sudden everything crystallizes slightly differently and you realize that what you’re trying to say is actually not exactly what you thought you were trying to say.
The idea is to *not* muscle through it by trying to force it to say what you think it should say. You kind of dance around in it for a while, staying relaxed and not attached to outcome, and see what evolves — it’s usually a lot more exciting than whatever it was you were trying to make happen.
What a wonderful idea!!! It’s like brainstorming on a different level or something. If I ever have to write a paper again, I’m going to seriously try and remember this! Thanks!
As for being better at writing at the last minute, I am one of those people also. The busier I am, the more efficient I am. The stress sucks, of course. In your case, you may want to fore-go that unnecessary stress and try to get something out earlier. This “freedom babbling” idea sounds like a great one!! How wonderful.
It excites me, and I don’t know that I’ll ever have a use for it! LOL
Best of luck. OH, and relaxing baths – definitely a plus!
I am a pressure cooker.
I simmer best under heat. The thing I have trouble with is trusting that I WILL do what needs to be done. Usually, I do. It does not help the frettiness.
Taking a bath does, though
Last year, when I was on baby watch, I was supposed to take some online classes to renew a state license.
I couldn’t make myself do it, and the license has lapsed. Maybe I’ll redeem it soon; maybe I’ll leave it lapsed.
Best wishes to you. I’m sure you can do better that I did.