I forgot about a class this afternoon. Damnit! People finally agree to come help and we can’t stay all day. We’ve been working since this morning (when Angela came over and made us French toast!) but we won’t be able to work solidly through the afternoon today. Given that one of the people who was willing to help was going to come over around noon and we need to leave the house by 12:30… looks like Angela may be our only help today and only for a few hours. We’ll survive. We managed to get about 1/3 of the stuff out of storage (by ‘we’ I mean Noah and Angela) and unpack all of those boxes already. There is some vague possibility that we will get everything out of storage today but it looks like I am going to be slowly unpacking for a while because I’m going to stick to my agreement with Noah–he’s done after today. If you make promises you need to keep them, even if it becomes inconvenient.
It’ll be ok. We’ll get through and if we are mostly done with what I wanted done it will be ok. Several of the things on the list can technically wait almost indefinitely so I suppose I will have to close my eyes and say “lalalala” and just ignore those things for a few more months. Somehow I will manage. It’ll be ok. The inside of the house will get to a place where I am happy with it.
Right now I am waiting for them to come back with more boxes to unpack. It’s hard to wait!