And in case you want to go look at all of them at once:
If you can’t figure out that the link and the cut go to nekkid pictures there is no helping you.
(I’m finally getting noticeable new stretch marks. I’m not sure if this is neat or awful.)
Just beautiful!
Stretch marks arent all that bad, they fade with time into texture.
I’m already covered in stretch marks so I’m not too worried.
Those are wonderful pictures!
Thank you.
got my first stretch marks at 10… stupid boobies
That’s why I call these my “new” stretch marks. I have them all over. I generally don’t think of it as a big deal.
Wooot! And double woot – you made it! 37 weeks! You go girl! Get all nested in and birth you a lizard!
I’m not sure if I am nesting or if I am just my normal OCD.
Should the masturbation start now
Uhhh.. if you want to…
you are
“don’t point that thing at me” pregnant.
such a beatific look on your face….
Yeah, we got some really good ones this month.