So we have a plumber here fixing our garbage disposal. Normally I could do this sort of thing myself, but not so much at the moment. No contorting under sinks for me at 39 weeks.
He’s swearing. Constantly. Mostly in Spanish with an occasional “fuck” dropped in for flavor. (He shocked himself.) I’m pretty sure that he isn’t supposed to swear at a customer’s house. I’m giggling like mad. I kind of wonder if I should let him know that I do actually understand all of the swear words he is using. Would it embarrass him?
I’ll just sit here and giggle.
Having replaced garbage disposals, I’d grant a dispensation for a plumber to swear in that situation. Even if the customer were a church office.
I second that, for the same reason. Bonus points for multi-lingual swearing – it helps get the job done.
I’d say something like “garbage disposals really are a goat’s left tit, aren’t they!” But in Spanish.
HAHAHAHA! Yeah, that!!
If he starts repeating himself, you could suggest a few he missed.
Maybe you can make up a score card for him… “And a 5 from the Russian Judge.”
LOL you should give him advice… in spanish
Haha, beautiful! Did you say anything to him in Spanish to /subtly/ let him know that you understood him, or did you just go on listening? xD
I just giggled.
This evening I was screwing around on the dock while some African American ladies from NYC were sitting nearby discussing their church. I don’t think I’ve ever heard “motherfucking” used in a religious context quite so often before.
Meanwhile my neighbor Dwayne, who is a black Bahamian uses “fucking” to qualify almost every noun and “niggers” to apply to any group of more than three people. He’s a nice guy and has no idea how offensive most Americans would consider his language.
i once watched a white South African torpedo his promising career as an mining engineer with a major multinational company by using the phrase “nigger in the woodpile” in a meeting with *the* Senior Vice President of Engineering who happened to be African American.
quite a sight.
language is a powerful thing….