Shanna and Noah are making monkey noises back and forth. And he is encouraging her silly faces. I feel like such a stick in the mud. 🙂
I plead my back hurting. I need to figure out a better nursing position.
Shanna and Noah are making monkey noises back and forth. And he is encouraging her silly faces. I feel like such a stick in the mud. 🙂
I plead my back hurting. I need to figure out a better nursing position.
you took a few moments
to read the Oh-fficial Dad Job Description
you’d find “Making Monkey Noises”
in the top ten list
of the desired skill set.
it’s right after
“Laughing at Farts”
and just before
“Burping ABCs”
how about something like this?
looks like you could nurse while
loading the dishwasher.
that’d be a bonus!