So I ordered some cloth pads from and I am finding them to be way freakin more comfortable than regular disposable pads. I would highly recommend that anyone else who gets irritated by plastic rubbing you raw give them a try. They aren’t cheap though. I have a $5 discount code for a purchase made before 8/31. If you want to try them leave me a comment and I’ll give you the code. 🙂
Really–they are way more comfortable. And I don’t think the mess is any greater than with disposables.
Sounds good
I would like to try one or more of their products. Thank you for the recommendation and the offer of a discount code!
from Debs
Hmm, I was considering the DivaCup myself. I didn’t realize they also had washable pads… interesting! At any case, did you know the water that you use to wash and soak the pads prior to the washing machine makes GREAT fertilizer? Or if you use the DivaCup itself. I read it on Tribe. 🙂 I hate not living at home where all of this is easily accessible!
I’ve looked into alternate menstrual methods before. The Diva Cup was a really good thing, but it didn’t fit me quite right, so I had to stop using it. I investigated using Instead, but it says you’re not supposed to if you have an IUD, so that’s a no-go for me. Okay, so … what’s the process for re-using/washing those? (I didn’t hit the link – but I think I know what you’re talking about.)
Soak them in cold water and then just wash them. Yes, they will develop stains… but uhm, considering what they are used for that doesn’t seem to be a big deal. 🙂 Although so far mine don’t seem to be staining and the lochia is pretty intense.