This time I’m not posting the picture because it contains FULL FRONTAL MALE NUDITY. Ok, that’s your warning. If you follow the link you get what you deserve.
And things come full circle…
Holy shit are my stretch marks dark. Good thing I can’t see them most of the time. la la la they don’t exist….
yay! you are all adorable.
Awww ::squee!::
YAY, I’m not the only one who’s put on weight (him, not you)
me me its all about me
I was thinking about threatening bodily harm.
you look great actually, other than the stretch marks and the engorged breasts/nipples (which no one would ever describe as a bad thing) you look just like you did last time I saw you nekkid…. only more fertility goddess like because of the humongous breasts
Ouch. I’m two sizes bigger than the last time you saw me.
OMG I saw a penis! I am so mortified!
You three look fantastic, thanks for sharing with us!
(hurray for all nudity!)
Y’all lookin’ good …
You all are officially the most attractive family I have ever met – fucking amazing sexy your happiness is.
FWIW, I also had the stretch marks from hell like that. Over time they go down significantly and end up sort of silvery. I hardly notice them but then I am not expecting to ever wear a bikini again!
You all look great!
since i only like full side-al nudidity i didn’t look.
but, i agree. the stretchies will fade
– give them not a 2nd thought.
for the record…
i’m not expecting to ever wear a bikini, either.
Well, we are mainly turned to the side, but you can see boy bits and I know that freaks some people out.
It’s a picture of us holding Shanna in the same style as all the pregnancy pictures. It’s all cute. This icon is from that series only in the icon you can’t see anything uhm ‘interesting’.
I actually probably will wear a bikini again.
One piece swimsuits generally don’t fit me because I have a very short torso so I need two pieces. Usually I like the ones with more of a tank top, but Noah makes major pouty faces if I wear fuller coverage tops. So to be nice to him I have a skimpy bathing suit. Seeing as his opinion of my body is the main relevant one I figure I should please him. 
How cute!
That is so fricken beautiful!
So sweet!!
you guys look really happy together :o)
I just want to know what the baby thinks of this photo in about 18 years… I think it’s great!
I think I menioned this before…..
…. you guys look like a LIFE magazine cover from, say, 1967 of the Ultimate Nudist Hippie Commune Family.
Loving it.