Monthly Archives: June 2008

girly bits

So I ordered some cloth pads from and I am finding them to be way freakin more comfortable than regular disposable pads. I would highly recommend that anyone else who gets irritated by plastic rubbing you raw give them a try. They aren’t cheap though. I have a $5 discount code for a purchase made before 8/31. If you want to try them leave me a comment and I’ll give you the code. 🙂

Really–they are way more comfortable. And I don’t think the mess is any greater than with disposables.

I don’t get it.

Why will she transfer from my tummy to the bed for a nap during the day but absolutely refuses at night when I want to sleep?

Although I must say, Shanna has earned some gratitude today. I explained to her this morning when she was being fairly fussy that I was having trouble staying patient because we had a very sleepless night and I needed her to settle down for a couple of hours and take a nap with me. She looked at me and fussed for another few seconds. Then she turned to the boob, latched without being fussy and fell asleep a few minutes later. She slept soundly for a few hours and I got in a much needed nap.

I’ve been surprised several times by how well she responds to verbal negotiation. I’m pretty sure I can’t count on it at this point, but… it’s been working. I don’t do it constantly and in general I let her do her thing without trying to change whatever it is she is doing. But a few times I’ve told her what I needed from her and she just did it. Very cool. 🙂

La di da

Alright, it’s official. I’m bored. 🙂 I’m still not feeling perfectly up to snuff. My abdomen hates me on a regular basis. But when I’m sitting still I mostly feel ok. And as much fun as Shanna is to babble with, her response is not yet intellectually stimulating. 🙂

Thus I am now to the point where I will say: Hey! Come visit! The visit can last a couple hours! 🙂