21 thoughts on “*sigh*

  1. nicolle

    Sounds like you don’t have much other choice… if they are only writing to Noah, then it’s his problem to deal with, eh?

  2. waltzingmatthea

    Your in-laws are confused. Shanna’s feet are cute (and it’s a great picture), but her face is even cuter.

    Nick (who has a better sense of how “healthy” families should operate than I do) would like to add that it was also “just rude” of them not to respond to you or want a picture of their grandchild. I am inclined to agree, especially since it sounds like you were really considerate about it.

    At any rate, we send you lots of virtual hugs from Rochester. And I think you totally rock, even if your in-laws can’t see it.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      They do want one other picture of her face, but I’m pissy because we only got one of the feet picture and they want it. I got it for me.

      They have also been printing out the snapshots over the past few weeks. So they do have pictures of her face.

      Thank you for the hugs. I hope Rochester is going well so far. 🙂

  3. notmy_realname

    I don’t think you have any reason to continue to bend over backwards

    for your in-laws at this point…


    if you still wanted to, for whatever reason,

    the easiest solution might be to go down to Walgreens or someplace like that, where they usually have a photo scanner/printer thingie that will make additional copies for them of this picture of which you only have one copy right now (assuming you don’t have already have such a photo scanner/printer thingie at home).

    1. shadowsintime

      Re: I don’t think you have any reason to continue to bend over backwards

      … I second that. I’d add a personal note that since it was one that you personally prioritized that you are only able to send a copy. Kill em’ with “fuck’em sweetness.”

      You rock for trying this hard… most people would not.

      1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

        Re: I don’t think you have any reason to continue to bend over backwards

        I’m not going to. I don’t think their lack of regard for me deserves that much effort.

    2. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Re: I don’t think you have any reason to continue to bend over backwards

      You are right that this would be a solution. One I am not going to follow through on because I feel like if Noah wants to he can. They have shown their regard for my effort.

      1. notmy_realname

        Re: I don’t think you have any reason to continue to bend over backwards

        Yeah, I just tossed it out as an idea you could choose to pursue if you felt like it that perhaps you hadn’t considered, and tried to acknowledge that doing so would in my opinion be going above and beyond what they have a right to expect of you under the circumstances of how they’ve treated you to date.

        To be clear, my mentioning the possibility was in no way intended to imply what I thought you were obliged to do it or even ought to do it, and I hope I didn’t come across that way.

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Re: I don’t think you have any reason to continue to bend over backwards

          Honestly, your comment didn’t bug me. The second, third, and fourth did. 🙂

    3. bldrnrpdx

      Re: I don’t think you have any reason to continue to bend over backwards

      Hell, I’d say photocopy it before going to the effort of using a store’s photo scanner.

      I’m sorry you lost in the in-law lottery. Apparently the universe sent you such a wonderful base model of a husband, it figured you were set without the accessories.

  4. katharos

    Well, at least ignoring you is pretty tame as far as sucky inlaw/parent things go. Once you give up and stop trying the problem kinda goes away. At least they don’t want to visit constantly.

  5. ditenebre

    Two comments.

    First, I agree with the comments above about the Pure Rudeness of excluding you from their response as if you didn’t exist. You are the mother of their grandchild. If they’re smart, they’ll realize antagonizing you could get them cut off at the knees, unless you decide you are going to continue to Rise Above. And when you’re not feeling really, really pissed at someone, you really do a remarkable job of Rising Above, you know?

    Preface to second comment: you may tell me to Fuck Off, and I’ll still love you.

    One of the things I learned early in the process of negotiating “Life With the Grandparents of My Children”: sending pictures and saying they can choose which ones they want means you really need to leave out any that aren’t choice options. If you do otherwise, it would be a freakin’ miracle NOT to have them all choose the one they can’t have. It’s like one of the Murphy’s Laws of In-Laws. If someone has failed to point out that particular one to you, let me just mention it now.

    I love you. You’re a good Mommy. And you’re trying very hard to be a good daughter-in-law. I just hope they’ll wake up some day and realize that.


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