Much yay was had by all.

We had a very productive first part of the day yesterday. It was good. It included a trip up to El Sobrante to pick up our two cases of apple lambic. If you are an apple lambic fan I recommend checking out:

Then we went to a party! The hosts were some folks I have known in the scene for quite a while. I had a fabulous time. I got to reconnect with a lot of people I haven’t talked to much in years. I have this weird love/hate thing with the scene at this point. I love it because when I go hang out with people I have known for that long I feel extremely comfortable and secure. By golly those folks already like me or don’t like me and I don’t have a thing to prove. It’s a great feeling. But I also feel like many/most scene folk are too insular in that world and I’ve had a hard time with that for a long time. Like: dude, have more than one hobby. I’m certainly not in a place where I could be totally wrapped up in that world any year soon, but on Dore Alley weekend I like to stop and reflect. See, I played for the first time the night before Dore Alley in 2000. It’s my anniversary and I like that it is on such an obvious weekend. 🙂 I’m missing the event for the first time. It’s weird thinking about how my identity is shifting and changing. I like it and I’m happy, but it’s weird.

I spent a fair bit of time visiting with the other baby at the party. His father was one of the first people I ever played with so I’ve known him for a long time. We had a strained semi-hostile relationship for a while but at this point we get along pretty well. The little baby boy was born three hours before the munchkin. I think that is cool. 🙂 Munchkin and he were fascinated with each other. They ‘talked’ at one another and stared and flailed at each other. Very cool. It was kind of funny to talk to someone about how different our babies are at the exact same age. 🙂

So yeah. It was good and I’m happy. Today we get to walk over to the farmer’s market and buy lots and lots of vegetables for the upcoming week. Yes Pandora–more vegetables. 😛

2 thoughts on “Much yay was had by all.

  1. baileythorne

    I got a baby announcement for the other baby a few weeks after he was born – so I didn’t realize they were born *so* close together. Glad you are on good terms and in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine the two of you would be experiencing your first born at virtually the same time? Never saw that coming.

    It’s great to hear the happiness in your writing.

  2. shadowsintime

    It’s like you had this kid and suddenly turned into a veggie lovin’ mamma! 😉 hehe. It makes me happy, I’m glad it’s sitting better with you ….

    Scene stuff. Oii. Yeah. I’m so burnt out, after the whole court thing, and the distance over the last year as a parent, and the distance before that off and on… I’m just tired of it being such a consuming identity. I don’t anticipate being involved publicly for the indefinate future. That doesn’t’ mean I’m not absolutely cool with friends I have made, I just don’t have the energy for the rest ….


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