15 thoughts on “I’m branching into new levels of dorky.

    1. rbus

      i *thought* i recognized those grunty noises as such.

      and you don’t sound like a chimpmunk.
      you sound like a mom talking to her baby.

      just like moms everywhere
      all throughout the history of time.

      you are connected to the universal (m)om.

  1. shadowsintime

    ohhhh my gosh. I love it!!!!

    But she is translating, “God damn mom, will you just stop and FEED ME- I don’t WANNA smile.”

    hehe. So very cute. I want more. More more!!

  2. freakmonkey1

    Aww, she is so precious. :3 I love how adorably chubby she is. Baby’s scare me when they’re first born and they’re all skinny and fragile. I like it a lot better when they’re plump and hardy little cherubs.

    She looks so much like you. ^_^


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