
I am coming up to Portland at the end of this month. We will be arriving on Friday the 29th of August and coming home on the 7th of September. The first weekend is fully booked (we are coming up for a wedding and then I gotta see a special girl) but after Labor Day we have lots of open time. I want to go up to Seattle for at least a day because I’m going to see my friend Jefe’s new restaurant. (Ok, not that new… but I’ve never seen it.) It’s Austin Cantina if you live in Seattle, go check it out. Tell him Krissy sent you. 🙂 Jefe and his wives have done a lot of work and seem very happy.

So uhm, yeah… anyone want to see us? 🙂

6 thoughts on “Travel

    1. blacksheep_lj

      Oh, and, brace yourself for that trip to Seattle. It’s a minimum of a 2 1/2 hour car trip, and that’s without screaming baby stops (make those early and often. And learn to nurse leaning over the car seat. Passing cars enjoy figuring out what you’re doing.

      I wouldn’t try to go up and back on the same day necessarily….it’s a lot of car time when Shanna’s not terribly amenable to it in the first place.

  1. bldrnrpdx

    We are having An Event on the 6th, which the whole fambly is welcome to attend. I’ll write you off LJ about it. I would love to see you guys in whatever time you’ve got. I go back to work on Sept 2, but I get off work at 3:30, which means I can be most places between 4 and 4:30 (I’d be bussing), or you’re welcome to come to my house in SE.


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