Goodness gracious we have been seeing a lot of people lately. It’s very cool. paulaandandrew came over last night, my lovely flyinamazon has come over a couple of times, we’ve had visits from blate and yanijc and jkuroda and bk2w and tshuma and angelkatharine and noirem and joedecker. I might be forgetting some of my blessings recently as I’m a total space cadet. I’ve gone out and seen a bunch of other people. I’ve spent time with my sister and cousins and no one fought. (Well, we had a small argument because my sister asserted that she won’t be voting for Obama because he is a Muslim. Uhm, whatever.) Ooh! And Debbie is going to come see me next week! It’s been too long. And have I mentioned that it is really neat that I’m hanging out with Britt so much? I haven’t seen dangerpudding in a bit, but that’ll be remedied next week.
And we have a lot of upcoming travel! Portland weekend after next and we will be staying for over a week. bldrnrpdx I still need to talk to Dad about your event. I’m going to try. The lovely and wonderous Ms. blacksheep_lj will be picking us up from the airport and lending us a carseat. w00t! I get to spend a lot of time with my adored shadowsintime oh, and there will be the wedding for ihotpockets. There will be a trip up to Seattle to see Jefe and Jen and Rachel and
hopefully I hope I’ll get to see malixe and imp-of-satan and meet Henry!
Next month is another wedding, this time with a camping trip involved. We’ll see how camping with a baby goes. woof.
We are going to go see my mommy for Thanksgiving. She’s terribly excited.
And New Zealand in February. I think I need to stop complaining about my life. (Ok, I don’t complain much… but any at all seems like a stretch.)
{disclaimer: if I’ve left your name out, feel free to poke me. My memory is not what it once was and it was never amazing.}
{Edited to add: satyrlovesong and ribbin both came over too!} (See, I want to keep track because I get in these moods where “nobody loves me, everybody hates me” and it’s just bolgona. So now I have a list of who loves me. :D)
It would be lovely to see you! Let us know if you need a crash pad, we have a mother-in-law unit.
Yes, we love you.
Had a very nice time reconnecting and meeting Ms S! She *is* as cute as her pictures and has that lovely baby smell and softness! Thanks for having us over…
BTW here is the Mom Song on youtube.
(I hope that’s right.)
btw… that is awesome.
from Debbie
I’m so excited to see you. I can’t call you to hash out details for Monday morning right now because it is after 11pm and you have a new baby! :-O
But I do have a phone number, I’m using Melody’s, I emailed it to you or if you call that skype naps lot number it will work to.