So uhhhh my ex, Puppy, updated his profile. I think it is really funny because when he had access to the things he advertised wanting, he didn’t want them.
ok. I had to get that out.
So uhhhh my ex, Puppy, updated his profile. I think it is really funny because when he had access to the things he advertised wanting, he didn’t want them.
ok. I had to get that out.
In order to track someone I had to join twitter. I don’t anticipate posting there much if at all, but I’m friending some people because ya’ll are posting there lots.
I suspect a growth spurt is coming cause we have been nursing or sleeping or nursing and sleeping This would be after doing it all.night.
My boobs hurt.
Cause a friend is having a bad day. Continue reading
So we went. Ten or Fifteen minutes in we were stopped by a very earnest woman with a clipboard from the NCSF. She proceeded to lecture us on how people on the religious right are trying to shut down Folsom and I am a terrible person for bringing in my baby and giving them more ammunition. There were very thin hints that if Folsom shuts down I will be at least partially responsible for taking it away from the 400,000 people there. When I relayed this story to a friend at the fair his response was, “And did you tell her to go fuck herself?” I kind of wish I had said that. We were at the fair for less than an hour and I felt pretty shamed and dirty the whole time and not in a good way. My daughter is four months old. She won’t remember this. I won’t be bringing her ever again because she might remember and that’s crossing a line.
And you know what? If Folsom shuts down it won’t be because of my four month old. And despite her scare tactics, I don’t believe that my child is going to be taken away by CPS now. Our house may be mildly cluttered, but it’s cluttered primarily with books that I am reading for a graduate degree and baby gear. Our daughter is huge and healthy and extremely happy. And it’s not as if she is using a dildo for a teething device. Give me a break.
So I was sent an email asking if I would help plan my high school’s 10 year reunion. The guy who is in charge of such things at this point is apparently someone I was mean to in junior high. (His dad is a professor at SJSU in the credentialing program and when he discovered I went to LGHS he asked his son about me. We did a project in 8th grade together, I remember none of this, and I was mean. Uhm…. ok. I guess it made a much bigger impression on the guy.)
For no good reason I am really looking forward to my 10 year reunion. I barely attended the high school. I’m barely even allowed in. Yet the reunion will have the potential for putting me in touch with people I went to school with starting in kindergarten or junior high. That part’s really kinda neat.
Hmmm. I’ll have to think about this more at a more civilized hour.
The Tike Masala sauce from Costco was awesome. We used half the container for two chicken breasts and simmered for a while. Meanwhile we roasted some Japanese eggplant in the oven (we like that texture) then added in the eggplant at the very end. We poured it over basmati rice and OMG it was awesome.
A friend asked me if I had any time to see him this weekend, cause he assumed I would be busy with Folsom stuff. First I laughed. Then I pondered. Whereas I certainly couldn’t do parties at this point (all of them are far enough away from my house that I would spend more time in transit than I would playing so it so it isn’t worthwhile) but I can maybe hit the fair itself for an hour or so.
So uhm… I think we’re gonna go. I’m more than a little amused that Shanna is going to a perv event at four months old. (I tell myself that she won’t remember…) Goodness knows I won’t think it is ok to bring her next year.
Very amusing to me.
I am officially advanced to candidacy. I have to pass part two of the comp exams, and that is scheduled for the second Saturday in November. I also have to either pass the Spanish proficiency test or take the full year at De Anza. She said either is fine and I don’t have to worry about taking additional MA classes to maintain standing.
Have I mentioned that I have 19 books to go on reading? And six more weeks till the test? I’m becoming less and less fretful by the day.
Oh, and my Spanish class? It’s a cakewalk. I’m putting in more effort than anyone else in the class and she seems to grade mostly on pass/fail. Pshaw. Taking the whole year might actually be the least stressful way of accomplishing the task. I’m going to try and take the exam at the end of the term just to see if I can get it done already.
Wow. I’m really close. This is so amazing. To be honest, there have been a few times lately when I’ve had thoughts about not finishing because it seemed like more stress than it was worth. But when I look at how little I have to do and how little stress is left I am really confident that I have to finish.
Wow. So, who is going to start calling me Master once I have the degree? I refuse to be a Mistress though. Hey, doctorates give you the right to Doctor…
One of the few ways in which Noah is less than perfect is his complete lack of knowledge of 80’s cult films. I was being a dork and declared, “No more yankie on my wankie!” and he was very confused. He doesn’t think it’s funny. He has never seen the movie.
I feel so alone! *waaaaaaaaaa*
Do I know anyone going to
In our house we have a saying: The secret to happiness is low expectations. Thus Noah is happy with me. I take it as a personal challenge though and I do my best to go above and beyond to make him happy. So when I went to the store this morning I brought home a breakfast of his favorite things. Continue reading
Today I went and gave emotional support to a friend who is going through some pretty rough stuff. Trying to manage his needs with Shanna’s simultaneously was very difficult. And then she screamed the whole way home. I did all this having eaten a few bites of yogurt and granola (I accidentally dumped the rest on the floor), a rather scant amount of leftovers (a little chicken, a couple bites of potatoes, and about four bites of squash), some mostly-veggie soup, and a bowl of vegan stew. That’s very little calories in a day for me.
I’m so tired and emotionally wrung out that I want to cry. My head hurts. I’m really grateful she is asleep in the swing right now. And that we bought the mozzarella and prosciutto roll.
I’ve been terrible about cooking lately. Eating out is just SO TASTY! I need to learn how to cook Asian food.
Today I made: mostly veggie soup (lotsa cabbage, squash, celery, some carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, leeks, and two spicy sausages to bring up the flavor) and an awesome pasta dish with tomatoes, broccoli, garlic, and fresh oregano. I also cut up the veggies for putting corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes in the crock pot tomorrow. This quantity of food will feed us for approximately ~18 servings. We will mix it up by adding in roasted corn and eggplant over the next couple of days as well as trying out the tikki masala sauce we found at Costco with chicken and rice. That keeps us fed with a decent amount of variety for a week.
Oh yeah. I’m good.
So if I sit her on a chair (with back support) she can keep sitting for a while. When she falls to the side or forward she can push herself back into the sitting position. Very cool.
Yesterday she had a couple of opportunities to see other babies/kids and she watched them with great fascination. They were sitting and crawling and walking. Today she sits. She was also a little more interested than normal in taking steps when I pulled her to standing. I wonder if she feels inspiration or competition when she sees other kids.
I was amused because many of the babies/kids who were much older than her were basically the same size or smaller. That’s mommy’s little tank.
I know I have some former (and current) Santa Cruz folks on my list. Where would you recommend for a nice dinner?
Does it count as insomnia when you wake up after seven hours of sleep and can’t go back to sleep? Here I am, oh LJ. It’s 5:15 and I wish I were sleeping. Instead I am thinking, again. This is becoming a habit. This time my thinking is about much more melancholic topics that I’m not really willing to share. I find it interesting when people tell me they admire how open I am. I am open in very specific, limited, controlled ways. I don’t talk about the things that are currently able to hurt me. I’ll talk about them once I’ve worked through the issues and I’ll seem all deep and shit.
*snort* Deep as a puddle.
I really don’t like dreams that involve me brutally murdering someone in order to save my life.
So I think it would be fun to have folks come over for lunch/dinner and board games. Noah got a new game and he hasn’t gotten to try it out yet. (It’s this one: Friday night or Saturday afternoon-ish would be great.
Anyone interested?
Yesterday was awesome after my pissy morning.
Today I haven’t gotten much done that is useful. I feel like a slug. I should go start dinner but I feel so freakin lazy.